Kathy Crabbe

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Aquarian Rosalind Battles the Sceptics – Artist Spotlight

Aquarius Full Moon July 25, 2010 6:36 pm pdt

Spotlight on Aquarian Artist, Rosalind Ng
Asian Art Jewels
Shop: www.asianartjewels.etsy.com
Blog: www.asianartjewels.blogspot.com
Aquarians are said to have a curious nature, and love to learn new things. This becomes apparent when I think of how my jewelry style has evolved. I started off wanting to do more raw stones with Asian influences, but now progressed to use gemstones and crystals in simpler, wire wrapped designs.  I also use sterling silver and oxidize them for a nice vintage look. Perhaps that's the characteristic of an Aquarian who gets bored easily, so the initial ideas got the boot when new ideas flow in! Keeping my thoughts and designs focused can be hard when I discover new materials and exciting techniques. I end up buying new equipment to experiment.  And the amount of distractions at the beading shop!

I learned jewelry making first from my mom, who started this interest but she gave it up due to poor eyesight. Now I pick up new skills from magazines, books, and the internet. So much to learn without having to take a class!

Enjoying my own company (which is typically Aquarian), I can spend my entire day either at the table creating something new, online buying supplies, or photographing my works. Sometimes I get frustrated that I need to take a break for my meals.

Aquarians tend to have high ideals, which usually means that pieces that get made and doesn't appear to be meeting my standards gets trashed into the bin. Sometimes a bracelet can be re-done over and over again before I finally consider it completed.

One of the reasons for making this hobby "commercial" was because I wanted to have an income stream independent of an employer/job. Having survived breast cancer for 10 years, I had that thought after the ordeal that I shouldn't let someone else dictate whether I get to keep my job or not. I hope to be able to sell my jewelry full time soon. Meanwhile, I'll have to battle the skeptics who feel that an online business is not a real job...

I'm a road trip addict. Almost every holiday taken is on my motorbike with my husband, as we like to be exposed to the locals' lifestyle, explore places and enjoy nature.  Being an Aquarian, I'm planning the future of my ever-evolving jewelry line to include a new section featuring "road trip" inspired jewelry! :)