Kathy Crabbe

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Happy Spring Equinox!

Happy Spring 2013: Photo by Kathy Crabbe

Photo by Kathy Crabbe ~ from my nature walk in celebration of the Spring Equinox

Mother awakens! She stirs, sending forth shoots and leaves, whispering sweet desires, coaxing forth all who seek release from the bonds of Winter's Night. At solstice we sheltered, tiny in the still fathomless darkness. Now like the bird in the eggshell, we've swelled to fill the space. Our world grows tight, cramped. We feel anxious, our resources nearly gone. Time to peck our way out and claim the promise of Spring.

How? First, notice and name What Binds You. Name the prisons of fearsome circumstance, disillusionment, environmental crisis. Notice what feels stifled, blocked hopeless. Then circle together to Turn It Around! Stir and flex your power. Stretch and moan, rock and sing, and break free at the peak. Emerge from the broken shell of winter. Feel lightened, lifted, determined to leave the old world in shards behind you. Sparkling and sovereign stride into the Gateway, between the twin pillars, one light one dark. Unbound, blessed and surging, retrieve the trust that comes with balance. Thrive in the burgeoning. light.

Marian Spadone, from the We'Moon Datebook 2013

Kathy Crabbe: Guiding Your Creative Soul