Kathy Crabbe

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I'm published in the Creative Cronies Moon Diary!

The delightful Creative Cronies Moon Calender & Diary which is published by three female New Zealand astrologers is publishing one of my Creative Soul Guide 'moon mama' paintings in their yearly Diary - woohoo! Moon Mama painting by Kathy Crabbe


Your Creative Soul BannerABOUT KATHY CRABBE

I am a self taught intuitive artist currently living and working in the desert valley of Southern California surrounded by ancient oaks and an elfin forest. I live in a home created by my husband that we share with our cat and dog, Abby and Spartacus. Gnomes, aliens and fairies have also been spotted here. I’ve been drawing since age two and giving intuitive soul readings since age forty.  

Kathy's art and guidance radiates healing energy that connects us with our soul’s essence; like meditation it guides us toward the infinite source of love and wisdom that we each hold within.