Kathy Crabbe

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I am beautiful in my own way

This beauty is killing me by Kathy Crabbe High heels, bikini waxes, botox, boob jobs, nips and tucks, fat suction, girdles, bleach, dyes, injections, starvation, bulimia, the list of beauty treatments, or rather, torture treatments that we endure to 'look good' go on and on and are absolutely insane, not to mention expensive.

We all have our excuses for why it's worth it and we endure. Well, this card (from my upcoming Lefty Affirmation Deck) is asking you to be honest and question ALL of it.  Make a list of all the beauty treatments and accessories that you use and that you know, deep down are not good for you even though society and your vanity tell you otherwise.  Discuss this list with other women and start making choices in YOUR favour putting YOUR health, wholeness and holiness first.

Affirmation: "I am beautiful in my own way."

The text and image above are from my upcoming Lefty Affirmation Deck.  Prints of "This beauty is killing me" can be purchased in my shop.

About the Leftys

The Lefty Series was painted with Kathy’s non-dominant left hand; the intuitive hand. While turning forty she lost all interest in painting with her right hand because frankly she got bored. It was time to explore new worlds and be creative in new ways.

 "Drawing with my left hand was slow going at first, but felt right in this fast paced, hyperkinetic world we  live in. I painted with watercolors because of their fluid simplicity which best expresses the Lefty soul.”

The Lefty Series has evolved over the years through zines and chapbooks, oracle readings, a Hollywood appearance with Michelle Shocked, museum shows, awards etc, but, most importantly, the Leftys show us how to trust our intuition, break through creative blocks, and take a chance to speak up for what matters most.

“Juicy Alive! Your Leftys make me feel like I’m not alone. They restore something in me…make me feel sane again." ~ Tangerine