Kathy Crabbe

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Gemini New Moon: Time to Let Go, Relax and Awaken Your Third Eye

Gemini New Moon (Pick a Card)

Gemini New Moon Blessings to All!

It’s Gemini New Moon Time and I bet you have sooo many questions about intuition, ancestors, spirit guides and past lives. Curiosity RULES now! As do NEW Beginnings. Feel free to ask me anything in the comments below or by email and I’ll do my best to answer in an upcoming blog post. If you need deeper insight please consider a one-on-one soul reading with me.

Pick - A - Card

First, get relaxed, comfortable, say a blessing or affirmation for protection and to receive exactly what you most need to hear right now in this moment and then pick a card above. The reveal is below plus affirmations. All cards are from my hand painted oracle card decks that I use for giving soul readings.

Oracle Card Reveal

Gemini New Moon Oracle Card Reveal (all cards hand painted by Kathy Crabbe)

Gemini New Moon Affirmations, Mantras, Deities & Medicine

Nambia by Kathy Crabbe

Card 1: Nambia pleasantly present (Lefty Oracle Deck)

Mantra: I relax.

Affirmation: I am pleasantly present and focused upon one project, and only one project at a time.

Gemini Goddess: Tatsuta-Hime by Kathy Crabbe

Card 2: Gemini Goddess - Tatsuta Hime (Zodiac Goddess Power Deck)

Affirmation: I let go easily and quickly.

Tatsuta-Hime blew like the wind,
up up flew her tapestry,
caught in the sky,
swept up in cloud wishes by and bye.

Tatsuta-Hime is a Japanese Goddess and a weaver. Every autumn she wove a beautiful, multi-colored tapestry and then transformed herself into The Wind blowing her own work to shreds.

Cockatoo by Kathy Crabbe

Card 3: Cockatoo (Elfin Ally Oracle Deck)

Affirmation: I am awake and attuned to the Universal Bounty.

Medicine: Your third eye knows best.

Fennel Cat by Kathy Crabbe

Card 4: Fennel Cat (Cat Herbal Oracle Deck)

Affirmation: I awaken to my body’s delight.

 Deities: Dionysus, Hathor, Prometheus, Renenet

About Kathy Crabbe, Soul Reader + Artist

Allow your heart, soul and mind to resonate with the deep yet playful magick of Kathy's four hand painted oracle card decks along with the powerful insight of an intuitive reading. Can you sense all the beautiful ways that spirit is guiding you in alignment with your soul's purpose?

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How to Invite Ancestors and Spirit Guides into Your Life
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