Kathy Crabbe

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Inner Strength Required: Pick a Card for the Aries Moon Jan. 12-14

Mama Moon enters the Cardinal, Fire sign of Aries on Jan. 12 at 12:18 am Pacific time until Jan. 14.

This is a Growth Moon-Time (waxing half moon) so get those intentions unwrapped and bring em to the table!

This is not a particularly friendly Moon-Time with underlying currents of fuzzy un-quiet with a rather messy, emo re-adjustment period after the hullabaloo of the holidays has finally been shaken off. it’s down to business; inner strength REQUIRED.

Why not pull an Elfin Ally Oracle card (above) to symbolize a new beginning or to ask a prying question about your moonth ahead. Murky Times call for Magical Intervention…right?! Look for the card REVEAL below. Make sure you’re subscribed to Daily Moon Vibes to get more card spreads & reveals emailed to you!

The Elfin Ally Oracle Deck
by Kathy Crabbe
Available in Spring 2019

Aries Moon REVEAL

Oracle Card 1: Pink Puss

Keyword: Love
Oracle Card Meaning: This is YOUR time, so make it special, make it count, for you are precious.
Reversed: Why are you wasting your time?

Oracle Card 2: Shiner Fish

Keyword: Miracle
Oracle: Your luck is changing and a stuck project starts to flow (again).
Reversed: Your dreaminess is causing you to fall behind.

Oracle Card 3: Dragon Luv

Keyword: Beloved
Oracle: A new beginning (or ending) awaits you.
Reversed: False hope leads you nowhere.

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About Kathy Crabbe & Daily Moon Vibes

I believe in dreams, creativity AND inspiring my peeps to awaken intuition and joy, no matter what. As a practicing astrologer + artist for the past 26 years I’ve learned a thing or two and I’d love to share it with you!

Creative tools such as my Daily Moon Vibes, Oracle Decks and Astrology Reports will help to awaken your intuition, which is essential for navigating these often crazy times.

About Daily Moon Vibes: Flow in tune with Mama Moon! Every 2-3 days Mama Moon cycles through all 12 signs of the zodiac so I tune in and share these insights and transits with you to help awaken and strengthen your intuition. I include affirmations and spirit animal medicine from my Elfin Ally Oracle Deck and Lefty Oracle Deck.

With Luv and Sparkly Blessings,
Kathy Crabbe, (Jan. 12, 2019)
Photo Credit: Chad Woodward