Kathy Crabbe

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Astrology & The Moon

Owl Magick Print

The Astrology Chart

The astrology chart itself is actually a schematic: a graph that shows people’s “inner writing.” This can be obtained from an astrologer or a computerized birth chart. The wiring in each of us is different. It’s not “good” or “bad,” it’s just wired the way it’s wired. Your birth chart provides a picture of the inner wiring you were born with, but what you do with that wiring is up to you. When you can objectively see the patterns of your own behavior, you can make adjustments for more efficient results and better performance. By having a clear picture of your inner wiring, you can become aware of the built-in “glitches,” and you can choose not to continue behaviors that aren’t working for you.


What are the houses of the Zodiac?

The houses divide the horoscope into twelve segments. Each house is related to one sign of the zodiac and represents an arena of life experience. Each house is given a number from one to twelve, the first house cusp located at what would be nine o’clock on a clock-face, then, moving anti-clockwise as shown in the diagram to the left, numbering off around the chart.

The houses represent the sorts of circumstances you will have to deal with in this lifetime—challenges you have set yourself, so you may grow in personal understanding and consciousness.

houses of an astrology chart

Astrology Reports can be purchased here.

The Moon

In astrology, the Moon rules our feelings, our moods, dependency, insecurity, the feeling of belonging – it rules our emotional bodies, self-image or the way we instinctively see ourselves. Considered by Jan Spiller to be the most important planet in the chart from a karmic/past life perspective, it underlies the rest of the personality structure.

What are the North & South Nodes of the Moon?

They are not planetary bodies; they are points formed by the Moon’s orbit around the Earth intersecting with the Earth’s path around the Sun. The Moon is considered to be the most important planet in the chart, from a karmic, past life perspective.

For each of us the North Node of the Moon is located in a sign and a house. The sign position relates to the psychological transformation that needs to happen within the personality and the house relates to the experiences that allow one to access this new awareness. This is where the lessons are in this lifetime which can be scary because it’s all new!

The South Node of the Moon is in the exact opposite sign and house and relates to past lives. When you have a feeling of ‘been there, done that’ it’s often a karmic nudge saying ‘you got this’ but where the real meaty, juicy lessons happen are when you’re accessing your North Node; that’s when things start to feel uncomfortable.

For further reading on the Moon’s Nodes, pick up Astrology for the Soul by Jan Spiller. This wonderful, eye-opening book has 40-50 pages on each sign/house placement. It is a simple but powerful book that will be of value whether or not you are interested in the more technical stuff in astrology.

Order an Astrology Report or Moon Chart here.

Moon Sign & Transits

Barn Owl Luv Print

Excerpted under open copyright laws with permission from the author, Jenny Yates as originally published in the We’Moon Datebook 2000

The moon circles the earth quickly, passing through all the signs of the zodiac in 28 days. She is generous with her changes, offering a new zodiacal perspective every 2 ½ days. When the moon reaches the sign that the sun is in, she becomes invisible, her light vanishing into the sun’s brilliance. This is the dark moon, the new moon, a time to see new beginnings. After this phase, she grows steadily night-by-night.

When she reaches her fullest form, she is in the opposite sign from the sun. This is a time to express yourself fully, to integrate both the outwardly active sun sign and the inwardly reflective moon sign. The moon urges you to express your inner nature by bringing all truths up to the light. The pressure can be intense leading to bouts of lunacy, the joy of seeing yourself whole is also intense.

The moon is symbolically connected with emotions, water and the mother. Her changes are reflected deep within us in the ways we nurture ourselves and others. Some signs are more fertile than others, better for planting, creating and conceiving. However, each sign has its gifts for your soul as well as for your garden.

Listed below is a brief summary of what to expect as the moon moves through the twelve signs of the zodiac.

Moon in Aries As the moon moves into Aries, she raises some basic identity questions. You stand stripped bare of formalities knowing yourself as you truly are. Many new beginnings are hatched now, but the energy is too fiery for safe planting.

Moon in Taurus In Taurus, the moon brings calm and stability. The buzz subsides and you notice the things that endure: the feel of wood and rock, the smell of your lover’s skin, the cycles of the soil. This fertile sign encourages strong, slow growth.

Moon in Gemini The Gemini moon stimulates your curiosity. Interesting ideas appear constantly, like doors opening up to reveal other doors. Now is the time to make connections, perhaps via email or telephone. Explore your garden, learn from it, but don’t plant.

Moon in Cancer As she moves into Cancer, the moon brings up memories and all the emotions that accompany them. This is a fertile time as tears fall more readily nourishing your roots. All arts are encouraged, especially the alchemy of cooking.

Moon in Leo When the moon enters Leo, your inner child wants attention, as do your inner clown and your inner prima donna. Turn all the commotion into art and then celebrate your creative power. In the garden, cultivate and admire, but don’t plant.

Moon in Virgo In Virgo, the moon moves towards a simple, useful life. If anything needs mending in body or soul, now is the time to focus your healing powers. In the garden or at home, you can arrange, shape and tend.

Moon in Libra With the moon in Libra, you need more beauty in your life. Plant flowers, fill your house with them or give them to a woman you love. You are more tender and romantic, conscious of the subtle dance of human connection.

Moon in Scorpio When the moon passes through Scorpio, feelings are intense and desires powerful. You delve into your deepest self with its shadows and dragons, and you recognize the untapped power there. Anything planted now grows deep and strong.

Moon in Sagittarius With moon in Sagittarius, feelings range wide as you amble down the road, watch the stars, or read old philosophy books. The search is more important than the finding. Take a break from your garden as your energy is restless now.

Moon in Capricorn As the moon moves into Capricorn, your inner Wise Woman is very strong. She can show you how to take old fears and sorrows and turn them into resolve, ambition and discipline. Anything you plant now will have strong roots.

Moon in Aquarius As she moves through Aquarius, the moon brings the liberation of understanding. You can detach yourself from old emotional patterns and see your mother, lover and friends as individuals. Talk to your green friends now, but don’t plant new ones.

Moon in Pisces When the moon’s in Pisces, distinctions blur and barriers dissolve. Your rational mind may go hide under a rock while your intuitive mind moves joyfully and unerringly in the cosmic dance. This is a fertile time. Everything yields.

Order an Astrology Report or Moon Chart here.

The artwork above is part of my Elfin Ally Oracle Deck.

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