How do you connect with your Ancestors and Spirit Guides?

Snake Charmer by Kathy Crabbe

Snake Charmer by Kathy Crabbe

Dear Moon Muser,

How do you connect with your ancestors and spirit guides?
I do this for a living, but still find it difficult to do for myself! I’ve included some tips below.

Why Nude Aliens?
Painting is a way I bring spirituality, ancestors, magick and ritual into my life.

Right now I’m being guided to paint nudes. Nudes with alien heads! (drawn with my non dominant hand, of course) and animals, plants and words chosen intuitively (randomly?) from 4 different sources.

This is how I welcome intuition into my work. I open the doors to the Other Realms and invite them in to share their magickal synchronicities.

How can you apply this to your own life?
By recognizing when a coincidence is more than a coincidence and instead points to a synchronicity connecting you to your path, your guides, your inner compass.

How can you welcome more of this kind of knowing into your life?
By allowing it. Recognizing it. Accepting it. Trusting it. It may not make a lot of sense at first, but that is how the non rational, intuitive brain often communicates.

For example, to write this blog I asked my ancestors for help. My paternal grandmother came through the loudest. She cut out a star for me and helped me paint my eyelids blue which may sound bizarre, but this helped me recognize my own starring role and the need to acknowledge it. The blue eyelids helped me understand that I connect with these watery, Piscean, under water realms of emotion and dreams to help guide others in accessing their own hidden gifts.

Create a Dream Journal
If you need help, try starting a dream journal and recording your dreams and any symbols and signs that come your way. Share your feelings about these findings so you’ll know what headspace you were in when they appeared and then watch and learn, be open, and allow spirit into your life. Make sure to say an affirmation or prayer for protection as well.

If you need more help with any of this please contact me for a soul reading, or for ongoing soul support.

Sparkly Blessings!
Kathy Crabbe


How to Invite Ancestors and Spirit Guides Into Your Life

Dear Moon Muser,

Have you had some big realizations this week? (Thank you Mercury Retrograde for helping out with that!)

If you follow this blog and have enjoyed a soul reading with me I know you’re working intuitively AND spiritually, guided by your ancestors, or perhaps your spirit guides, the gods, the universe, whatever you choose to call this force.

Each day our spirit guides come through for us, whether we’re listening or not. They offer us protection, intuitive tips and love. But if we truly trust the messages we are receiving then that protection and love will be that much STRONGER.

How do you build trust in spirit? You listen, you wait, you make time for quiet contemplation and you give yourself the space you need to connect with these messages. Perhaps it’s by finding a quiet piece of dirt, or a special flower, or by sitting with your favorite tree that helps to calm you. Perhaps it’s by taking a nature walk or by making space in your home where you can acknowledge spirit, your guides, the ancestors and the seasons.

Wildflowers gathered in Temecula, California

Wildflowers gathered in Temecula, California

I like to gather spring wildflowers. Some become photos for my mom who lives in Calgary and some are for my pet cemetery to remember dear friends, and others commemorate a neighbor who recently passed away. I believe I caught a glimpse of his spirit that night. I saw a tiny, shiny object glittering in the olivey, densely forested chaparral hills on my sunset walk. It was in a magickal spot right across from a 10 minute long coyote conversation I'd recently had. I trusted in that moment; that it WAS him and this brought me peace and joy.

How are you making sacred space in your life this year?

As always, sending sparkly blessings, luv & coyote calls!
Kathy Crabbe,
Soul Reader & Artist

Looking for Deeper Guidance & Insight?

Book your Soul Reading, Past Life, Ancestral or Astrology Reading here.

Kathy Crabbe

Kathy Crabbe

About Kathy Crabbe

Allow your heart, soul and mind to resonate with the deep yet playful magick of my 4 hand painted oracle card decks along with the powerful insight of an intuitive reading. Can you sense all the beautiful ways that spirit is guiding you in alignment with your soul's purpose?

p.s. You may enjoy this recent article I posted: How to Find Your Spirit Animal Based Upon Your Birthday