Serenity Comes In Many Flavours

We are born to serenity. As we call serenity to us we rediscover the blessings within. Take a moment now to feed on the serenity you know is within you. If you can’t feel it, find a stone and rest your hand or body upon it, allowing the stone to touch your bare skin and impart its inner rock-ness to you. That is serenity. So simple, yet such a stretch for many of us who fly and flit about like busy, busy bees.

stones (Kathy Crabbe)

With serenity comes peace and release. As witches we know how to call upon the elements that feed us. As an earth sign (Virgo) with lots of earth influences in my natal chart I resonate well with rocks. As a fire sign or with a fiery chart, moon, or rising sign you may need a flame, a bonfire or a candle for serenity. As an air sign try listening to the wind through the leaves or needles of the trees. As a water sign sit by a fountain or better yet, by a brook, or by the ocean to find serenity.

To take things a step further, try meditating or sitting in ritual or ceremony with your favorite element. I like to hold my stone of choice up to my third eye or visualize it there between my eyebrows and up a bit while requesting dream guidance and wisdom.


For this article I was drawn to an unusual stone from San Benito County, California called Benitoite which I ‘spoke’ with as I channeled information relevant to our discussion about serenity. The Benitoite felt warm and open (like the desert weather we get in Southern California) and I could feel my guard coming down and my senses relax, along with my body. My eyes felt droopy and half shut but I also felt alert!


Sometimes a stone’s intensity can become too much when held up to the third eye so I intuit which hand wants to hold it (the left in this case). In cahoots with this stone I also chose a card from my Lefty Oracle Series (drawn with my non dominant left hand) which helped to facilitate this channeling. I then held the stone over the card and continued to write. I then became the snake; an excellent visualization and body exercise for you to try which will help you ground and center. Try it now by simply lying on the floor and undulating or curling up in a ball; feeling your body stretch and luxuriate in such a simple pleasure.

 It’s only now that I actually look at the card I’ve pulled and then I ask ‘Irwin’: “are you truly serene?”(‘cause you sure don’t look it). Yet sometimes we need the barrier and protection that comes fromdressing up and appearing angry, weird and strange. Like armour, our clothes, hair and piercings can frighten others away, so that we can have the serenity and alone time we desire; a self-created barrier to intimacy.

Sometimes we need to belong to no-one or nothing. We stand alone. This too brings a serenity of sorts; a misunderstood sort of serenity that, as a Gen Xer I know well. I too used to wear punk makeup and clothes with affectation and I found it empowering. People were afraid of me! I could walk around without any need to explain myself. Yes, I received stares, but also serenity – no one dared bug me. So yes, serenity does come in many flavours.

However you choose to know serenity, that’s up to you, but give it a chance, daily. It can be the basis for a whole new path of self discovery into your creative soul.

kathy crabbe

About Kathy Crabbe
Creative Soul Guide, Gen X witch, artist and creator of the Moon Musing eclass “Awaken Your Divine Feminine Soul” and the Lefty Oracle Deck. Kathy offers Soul Readings to guide you on your path.

Amongst ancient oaks and an elfin forest Kathy finds serenity in Sage, California with her husband and best friends, Abby the big dog and Djinn Djinn the little one.

How To Develop Your Psychic and Intuitive Abilities

This blog post was written a while ago in response to a question from a client and I’ve just updated it.

Andrea’s Question: "Do you have any recommendations about how one should go about furthering their psychic abilities? I've read tarot cards on and off, and seem to have a knack, and then of course there's my natural ability to "read" people. But not necessarily with dates & times and all that predictive stuff."

My Response: I personally like to learn experientially in a hands-on fashion, but my very earliest experiences with the intuitive realms involved private exploration of dreams and dream journaling, astrology, tarot and paganism. I began learning about these things in my early teens and have gone on to develop my natural intuitive abilities (which we all have) with the help of teachers, through group classes, workshops, lectures, books and private sessions with healers and intuitive guides.

I-Travel-Through-Inner-Space by Kathy Crabbe


I started out by working with my dreams and recommend keeping a dream journal by your bed where you can record dreams when you wake up or by setting an alarm clock to wake yourself up at an odd hour to facilitate dream remembrance. Significant dreams will stay with you and resonate for years to come and you will begin to know which dreams are significant with practice. You can also work with lucid dreaming or by asking yourself a question before falling asleep and requesting that the answer come to you in a dream. Often dreams will allow you to re-connect with deceased friends or relatives and sometimes you may astro travel as well.

Update: Now that I’ve been dream journalling for so long I don’t like to request dream guidance very often because I often find that it disrupts my sleep. But sometimes on special occasions (significant moon phases/equinoxes etc) I will.

Recommended books:Symbols for Self Understanding” by Betty Bethard

Capricorn Goddess by Kathy Crabbe.jpg


There is much more to astrology than just your sun sign (determined by the day you were born.) Becoming involved with the study of the planets and stars will expand your awareness on a universal level connecting you with the bigger picture crossing generations and even universes. My own studies in metaphysics began with dreams, which led to astrology.

Recommended books: “The Only Way To Learn Astrology” (6 Volumes) by Marion March & Joan McEvers, “Planets in Transit” by Robert Hand, “Astrology for the Soul” by Jan Spiller, “The Liquid Light of Sex” by Barbara Hand Clow, “The Changing Sky” by Steven Forrest
Recommended magazine: “The Mountain Astrologer”
Recommended authors & teachers: Steven Forrest, Barbara Hand Clow


Tarot decks are a whole world onto themselves and can involve you in an ancient study of images and symbols with mysterious origins. Working with tarot cards has allowed me to access the many realms depicted in the cards. By working with a Pre-Celtic Shamanistic deck called “The Greenwood Deck” I first encountered one of my main spirit guides while meditating upon the Ancestor card.

Update: I’ve self published 3 oracle decks (as of 2020). Oracle Decks also help to stimulate our intuition connecting us with universal archetypes. I prefer to create oracle decks because I can create my own system rather than working within an established system such as the Tarot.

Recommended books: “Tarot For Yourself” by Mary K. Greer

Elder Tree Goddess by Kathy Crabbe.jpg

& Goddess Worship

I became involved with the study of paganism and ancient goddess religions when I was at university taking a Women’s Studies class. On a more personal level I was first introduced to this topic by a male friend of mine who liked to dress up as Pan on Halloween. I have attended several goddess groups and pagan rituals but prefer to practice my own solitary, eclectic and personal blend of reverence for Mother Earth.

Update: Currently I work within the tradition of Third Road Celtic Faerie Shamanism and was initiated into this tradition in 2017 by Francesca De Grandis.

Recommended books:”The Language of the Goddess” by Marija Gimbutas (archaeology), “The Motherpeace Tarot” deck and book by Vicki Noble, “The Book of Goddesses & Heroines” by Patricia Monaghan, “Be A Goddess” by Francesca De Grandis.

Recommended authors, teachers & leaders: Starhawk, Szusanna Budapest, COG (Covenant of the Goddess), Francesca De Grandis

Upcoming posts will delve into: shamanism, energy healing, herbs, mediumship, crystal healing, channeling, psychic work, meditation, yoga and past life regression.

To read more posts about My Psychic Background please click here and for Psychic Development please click here.

Kathy Crabbe

About Kathy Crabbe

I’ve been an artist and astrologer forever and a soul reader since awakening my intuitive gifts while painting with my non-dominant left hand. I’m here on this planet to be of service. My Lefty Oracle, Elfin Ally Oracle, and Zodiac Goddess Power decks can help awaken your intuition and creativity and my readings heal and guide. I am proud to have my work featured in women-centric places such as We’Moon Datebook, Women’s Museum of California and Sage Woman Magazine. I write for Witches and Pagans, belong to Hey Grrrl Collective and teach a Divine Feminine eClass at Wise Woman University. I make my home in Southern California with two pooches and architect partner, Mark in an adobe style home we built ourselves.

A Leo Eclipse Healing Insights Exercise

This eclipse in Leo is a big deal. The unconscious, hidden side of life is coming to the surface now and this can help accelerate the beginning or ending of something important in your life.

I channeled this exercise to help you find healing, wholeness and holiness during this important time.

A Healing Insights Exercise Using the 5 Elements

During this Leo New Moon and Solar Eclipse it's a perfect time to go within and ask your body, mind and soul: "What needs healing?"

You can work your way through the 5 elements while using their power to help you in the search for healing, wholeness and holiness.

The 5 Elements are: Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Spirit.

During your meditation approach each element and ask for healing guidance in regards to any issues that relate to that element. Here are examples from my own life along with the healing guidance I received. I hope by sharing my own story that it will inspire you to do the same.

Earth Element: I wish to be more present.

Earth Healing Guidance: Be in the moment more by unhooking from social media in the morning and instead sit on my front porch with my husband and enjoy the birds, trees and sky.

Air Element: I wish for greater focus.

Air Healing Guidance: This moonth my focus will be starting construction and renovations on our property along with landscaping. There won't be much time for anything else so I need to focus on that as well as on my clients and painting (if time permits).

Fire Element: I wish to follow my passion.

Fire Healing Guidance: Since I'll be uber busy and exhausted from construction I will not be able to fully focus on my passions this month, but I will find a way to paint whenever I can because I must, that is a given.

Water Element: I wish to love with all my heart.

Water Healing Guidance: Because this is a Leo New Moon, it's FULL of passion, so I will use this energy to open my heart even wider by listening to it and paying attention and by asking the Divine, my guides and ancestors for extra guidance in helping me to be passionate and in love and open to new joys and old and to be quiet in this love so I can truly absorb and appreciate life.

Spirit Element: (personal).

Possible Difficulties I May Encounter

  • Social Media distraction
  • Exhaustion
  • Working in the heat outdoors

I Will Find Healing Through

  • Awareness learned in doing the above
  • Focusing on passion, not distraction
  • Asking for Divine Guidance
  • Sharing practicality and passion online

If the Healing Process above has helped you in any way you may want to consider a Soul Reading to bring more clarity, healing and practical tools into your life so that you too can LIVE your passions, EXPRESS your true gifts and BE AMAZING just as you are.

The paintings above are from my newest series Spirit Animals

The Everything Reading: An Intuitive Psychic Reading, Astro Report, Soul Essence Portrait & More!

Kathy Crabbe: Guiding Your Creative SoulI just created a brand new Soul Reading that includes a little bit of everything I do and named it The Everything Reading. The Everything Reading includes:

1. A Deluxe Soul Reading valued at $150 2. A Deluxe Astrology Report valued at $50 3. A Soul Essence Portrait & Reading valued at $125 4. Email & phone support & follow up
With the Everything Reading you will receive:

1. A Deluxe Soul Reading

Deluxe Soul Reading Package

This reading includes:
  • A Soul Reading
  • A Creative Soul Guidebook
  • Email & phone support
  • Five bonus gifts

About your Soul Reading

A Soul Reading is an intuitive, channeled reading of your soul’s energy during which Kathy may see, hear, feel or sense your past, present and future lives. Guidance is received from the Divine, your ancestors, and spirit guides in response to your questions. Your reading will include affirmations, action steps, gemstone healing and oracle card guidance.

All you need is within you already. Kathy guides you towards the deep inner wisdom that you already possess. She offers you proven tools, techniques and resources to build your confidence and uncover your passion and purpose based upon her experience giving thousands of readings.

Your Soul Reading includes a three to five page beautifully illustrated ‘book’ or pdf of your life delivered to your email inbox for you to print out and treasure forever.

Suggested issues or questions for your Creative Soul Reading *No more than three questions per reading*

  • Work/career
  • Life/soul purpose
  • Relationships/love
  • Healing and health
  • Ancestor/mediumship, spirit guidance
  • Past lives and karmic issues

Here are some samples of Creative Soul Readings with client comments.

About your Creative Soul Guidebook

Your Creative Soul Guidebook will help you understand and process your Creative Soul Reading and inspire your Creative Soul Life. Your Guidebook includes sixteen beautifully illustrated pages, plus a resources page, and five extra blank pages with hand painted borders for you to continue exploring your creative soul journey on your own.

Your Creative Soul Guidebook includes these topics: Understanding your reading, how to connect with your spirit guides and gemstone guides, how to meditate, practice yoga, journal, and create sacred space.

Support and Follow-Up

Discuss your Creative Soul Reading and Guidebook with Kathy by email or by phone to make sure you understand and benefit from your Reading on a soul-deep level. You will  also receive firm, gentle support, accountability and direction from Kathy in a follow-up Creative Soul Coaching email.

“People like Kathy Crabbe are here to help us with our hearts. An artist and soul reader, Kathy Crabbe shows you where the cracks are and helps us to let the light in.” ~ Christine C. Reed, BlissChick

Bonus Gifts

  1. A Creative Soul Bookmark illustrated with one of the Creative Soul cards chosen for your reading.
  2. Two downloads: A Creative Soul Journal & The Moon Musing Playsheets
  3. Two Astrology Reports of your choice (see below):
  • 14 page Goddess Asteroids Report: for greater insight into how you interact with the rest of the world.
  • 22 page Friends & Lovers Report: To offer you insights into a specific relationship.
  • 12 page Time Line Report: A three month forecast that looks at major events in your life, including monthly highlights.

Cost: $150.00

aquarius painting by Kathy Crabbe2. A Deluxe Astrology Report

What you will receive:

  1. 1. An Astro Report and a Moon Chart (see above).
  2. 2. Your astrological birth chart wheel (pdf) plus links to websites that will help you understand and interpret the symbols and language of your birth chart wheel.
  3. Two complimentary reports:
  • 14 page Goddess Report to shed new light on important areas of emotion & experience plus greater insight into how you interact with the rest of the world
  • 12 page Time Line Report: A three month forecast that looks at major events in your life, including monthly highlights

Your reports, chart wheel and links will be emailed to you within 3-5 days. *This is a great way to introduce yourself to the most important elements of your chart.

Cost: $50.00

Goddess riding her black panther watercolor painting by Kathy Crabbe3. A Soul Essence Portrait and Reading

A Soul Essence Portrait is a true gift to yourself and a way to discover new facets of your inner being. Discover joy and healing when your inner voice is understood and deeply listened to. This can be a source of inspiration and a reminder of your soul’s beauty and strength.

As a Creative Soul Guide and artist I have been guided to combine my talents in new ways to create your Soul Essence Portrait. You will receive the double benefit of receiving intuitive guidance from a Soul Reading as well as owning a Kathy Crabbe original watercolor painting.

WHAT YOU WILL RECEIVE 1. A Soul Essence Portrait: an original watercolor painting created just for you measuring 8x11 inches on acid free 100 lb. paper. 2. A Soul Reading by phone (1 question max). A pdf transcript of your reading is also available for an additional $30. 3. A two page list of the oracle cards and healing stones chosen for your reading plus their meaning and a list of helpful resources. 4. Bonus Gift: a digital file of your head cropped from the original Portrait useful as an avatar or profile photo on Facebook, etc. Please credit me as the artist: Kathy Crabbe.

Please EMAIL ME a photo of yourself, but keep in mind your Soul Essence Portrait may look nothing at all like you; it's your Soul we're dealing with here!

Cost: $125.00

Your Creative Soul Banner
Kathy Crabbe is a Creative Soul Guide, artist, author and educator who has devoted her life to exploring spirituality and creativity with passion and integrity. Kathy empowers soul-seekers to live the life of their dreams through online resources, inspirational art, Divine Feminine eClasses, eBooks, and Creative Soul Readings infused with a rich background in the arts.