Kathy Crabbe

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Bibliomancy & the Creation of a Painting

Rights Included by Kathy Crabbe (Faerieality Series)

Dear Moon Muser,

I am immersed again in daily painting and in a world I'm creating called Faerieality. A world of bibliomancy, chance and intuition, of color and light, black and white, oh and especially of sage greens and hot pinks, of mushrooms and prehistoric horses, of jellyfish that look like tacos and fairies riding octopi.

While glum skies, rain and freezing cold threaten outside I visit and play in the internal, eternal realms of Faerieality which will one day become an oracle deck, wheeee!

If you'd like to play with me in Faerieality please enjoy the first painting I've released this year from the new and upcoming oracle deck.

The Once & Future Goddess

The book that inspired this painting is titled "The Once & Future Goddess" by Elinor Gadon, copyright 1989 and the quote from the painting

Here is the quotation that inspired the piece:

"Not all neo-pagans identify with Wicca. Some name themselves Druids after the ancient Celtic practice; others worship..."

Rights Included by Kathy Crabbe (Faerieality Series)


Using the ancient art of Bibliomancy I randomy (intuitively) choose a phrase from one of the books in my collection (I'm actually going through my entire book collection for this series) and write it down. This becomes the inspiration for the painting.

I then begin the painting using my non dominant left hand because that is how I connect with the divine most easily - its is as yet untried territory, the unknown and I can access it more easily with the left hand because this hand is still awake to the mysteries, moreso than my know-it-all right hand.

I paint the figure first. BUT I wait and wait for the words from the book and the spirits, gods, goddesses to guide me and I don't create until I have the get-go from them, in the form of images, colors, lines, shapes. 

In this piece I turned to a reference book of nudes for the body. I again randomly chose a nude and made that the body of this creature.

I continue to be led by the words and my guides for each step of the painting. When it is done I turn to the book again and randomly choose words that become the title and that I then collage into the piece.

About Kathy Crabbe: I have been called by Spirit to live a creative life and to be of service, both through my artwork and my intuitive guidance.

Sparkly Blessings!
Kathy 'Kat' Crabbe
Temecula, California