Kathy Crabbe

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Create Your Legacy at Your Second Saturn Return + Ostara Mer-Blessings!

Spring has sprung here in Southern California and the wildflowers are just starting to pop.

Super exciting news too; I’ve come up with the name of my new divination deck! After many months, or actually years of deep spiritual process-work and some tearing of hair, lol.


There will be 22 Round Mermaid Cards in this deck from the Tarot’s Major Arcana and they are BEAUTIFUL! I am in MermaidLand these days; soooo desirous of Water Beings and Elementals as I approach my second Saturn Return on April 2.

About Saturn Return

Saturn Returns are a major astrological transit we all undergo every 30 years or so beginning at age 27-31.

During the second Saturn Return around the ages of 58-60 good ol’ Saturn, the Great Mother or Father, Matriarch/Patriarch helps us get serious about our legacy and our plans for the next and possibly last 30 years of our life unless we make it to our third Saturn Return at age 90.

During the second Saturn Return it’s also a good time to look back at one’s first Saturn Return - what happened then? The first return is about taking your place in the world and figuring out how you fit. What are you getting serious about? What are your relationships, work and your life’s calling all about?

For me, around age 30 I had a rebirthing session where my entire business plan as an artist came to me. That year I started painting silks and doing art shows; at least 20 of them! I also got married at 27 to my beloved, an Uber Watery man whom I met whilst he was sailing in the Olympic Trials in Kingston, Canada. Meeting him was magickally ordained and I knew it. I had sent out a call to the Universe for Watery beings and for a sailor, in particular; Air and Fire were burning me out and Earth was too predictable.

So, now 30 years later I’m wishing again for more Water in my life and so I am painting Mermaids and creating a Mermaid Tarot Deck. And yes, my husband and I are still in love and just celebrated our 31st wedding anniversary.

This week’s Mermaid watercolor for the new deck was just completed and I’m sharing her for the first time with you, here in my Blog and Museletter . She is called “Energy balance Crystal spiritkeeper” and she may become the Empress, Card III in my upcoming Siren Song Tarot deck. The Empress card is ruled by Venus and in my deck she honours the goddess Aphrodite.

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Energy Balance detail by Kathy Crabbe

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About Kathy Crabbe
I channel healing magick through my soul readings and oracle decks.

I divide my time between California and Canada traveling by caravan to mer-faerie cottages built by my beloved and myself.

My art and writing has appeared in Sage Woman Magazine, We’Moon Datebook, Creative Cronies Moon Diary, and the Women’s Museum of California. I teach at Wise Woman School and review divination decks for Witches & Pagans Magazine.