Kathy Crabbe

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How to Create Sacred Space

Presence by Kathy Crabbe, 48x48 inch acrylic on canvas

1. Block out some regular alone-time on your calendar for sacred circling ie. New and Full Moon Circling.

2. Create a circle by orienting yourself with the 4 directions: north/earth, east/air, south/fire and west/water.

3. Place symbols in each ‘corner’ of your circle:
North (Earth) – green agate sphere, talking stick, oak acorns
East (Air) – hawk and crow feathers
South (Fire) – a lit candle
West (Water) – a glass of water in a handmade chalice

4. Light a candle, say your blessings and cleanse your space with sage or incense to help you focus and center. Yoga, meditation, chanting, and playing a Native American flute, rattle or drum will help create a magical, sacred mood.

5. Call upon the 4 directions, the Divine and your spirit guides as you walk clockwise around your circle. The inner workings are up to you! To close your circle and ground your energy eg. bring yourself ‘back down to earth,’ walk counter clockwise, blessing all 4 directions and your guides and then blow out your candles as you send healing prayers of health, wholeness and holiness to all those in need.

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