Kathy Crabbe

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How a Soul Reading Works

My preferred mode of reading someone's soul-energy is via distance - this allows me to focus on you, your spirit and your guides in a focused way clear of distractions. Each reading involves preparations such as meditation and yoga to help me focus. I will often pull healing stones and a card(s) from one of my four self-designed and painted oracle card decks, but unlike a tarot reading I will not actually look at the card until after your reading is finished. The card imagery and description often serve to accentuate and emphasize certain points in your reading and along with the healing stones may also give you some more tools to work with on your own after the reading is over.

You can purchase a soul reading here and an astrology reading here.
Client testimonials can be read on my website.

Feedback Requested!
Please feel free to ask me any questions you like about what I've written here - I would love to know your thoughts and hear your comments and perhaps even create some more blog posts in response!

To read a more detailed explanation about soul readings please go here.