Kathy Crabbe

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Pisces New Moon Reading: b is for beauty mark

B is for beauty mark by Kathy Crabbe This New Moon Reading is going to be quite different from all my others...hmmmm, maybe because it's in Pisces? A dreamy, watery, très magical kinda sign. So I sit before my altar which is all decked out in Pisces finery with a bowl full of cucumber, lettuce, and willow snippets and some Piscean gemstones (aquamarine and moonstone) and I sit...and I sit...Then I hear the words: just put pen to paper and the words will come. So I do.

With my paints, brushes and stones in hand, I say to Goddess...O Goddess I am readying myself for Spring and this New Moon in Pisces. What do you want of me?

And I hear Her say, "No word necessary".

And so I paint and a Lefty Mermaid appears...'b is for beauty mark' (to the left).

If you too are seeking inspiration to help find your way out of the deep (it IS a Pisces Moon after all; a watery sign represented by two fishes) then I hope that 'beauty mark' and her magical mirror can lead you deeper within, to where you soul calls out.

When setting your intentions for the upcoming New Moon and Spring Equinox ( which is like New Years for many of us) the best time to do that is at the exact moment of the New Moon which is on Friday, March 20 at 2:36 am PDT (kinda early, so maybe set intentions when you wake up or before you go to sleep) and the Spring Equinox is on the same day- woohoooo...double power!

The original painting above is available as are prints and cards.

Divine Moon Muser by Kathy CrabbeCalling All Goddesses! My 4 week eClass "Awaken Your Divine Feminine Soul" is once again being offered at Susun Weed's Wise Woman University so get ready to Moon Collage your heart out starting one week prior to the New Moon each month...more details here: eClass