Kathy Crabbe

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New Moon in Gemini Reading - Pick a CARD!

Lefty Oracle Deck
New Moon in Gemini Reading
June 13, 2018
channeled by Kathy Crabbe
Soul Reader + Artist

Again, no words (or very few), but lots of emotion and trust as we fall together into this Dark Moon abyss and arise again with the power of the New Moon in Gemini on June 13.

Gemini; the inner child, the trickster, guides my art, my words, my life. With Gemini in the third house ruling the North Node of my astrology chart, my karmic mission is all Gemini. We all have a North Node in both a sign and a house of the zodiac.

This New Moon we will once again be accessing our inner child with the help of my Lefty Oracle Deck.

Be still, quiet...let the chatter subside. Fill your inner space instead with Faery Blessings of moonlight and starlight and the songs of gods at play. Welcome to my world! I invite you to pick a Lefty Oracle card for this New Moon from the cards pictured above FIRST before reading on.. 

New Moon in Gemini Lefty Oracle Card Reveal

Card No. 1: At night Karya dreams of wings

Mantra: I am magical.

Affirmation: My dreams have wings and so do I!

Element: Air

There is magick in the night.
When small sounds become big,
and feathers form wings.

I fly to meet my maker,
angelic, pink and proud.
Heart aflutter.
Mind still.

Light years flash by -
Intuition awakens.

If this card appears in a reading your dreams are ready to take flight. So make them good dreams, dreams that light you up inside and add roses to your cheeks. Small dreams or big, it's not important, but you do have dreams and it's time to start believing in them by taking that first step towards realization. Let them come alive in your heart, your  soul, your body, your mind. Believe in YOU. You are Divine.

In my own life, dreams have always guided me although it's far from easy to pay attention to them. Often my body knows the truth when my mind does not, so I listen on as many levels as I can because truth can often be subtle.

Card No. 2: Demon

Mantra: I transform.

Affirmation: I journey into the dark to discover inner truths.

Element: Spirit

Be brave dear Soul,

face your fright.
open the door,
welcome the light.

If this card appears in a reading expect the unexpected! There is a trickster in your midst. Maybe it's you? Not a mean trickster, but a true trickster; one who shifts your reality and helps you see things from a new perspective. Perhaps you've become complacent, or lazy, or overly self satisfied, and are no longer seeing the big picture becuase you're too caught up in small details and worries. This WILL change soon so get ready to open your eyes wide and see the world in a whole new way.

In my own life I do my best to see negative, challenging experiences on a deeper level and I ask questions, such as, "What is the teaching in this? What is being mirrored back to me about myself? What changes need to happen now?"

Card No. 3: I refuse to take sides

Mantra: I flow.

Affirmation: I stand for truth, beauty, intelligence and integrity.

Element: Water

By my nature
I flow.

I am rhythm: inexorable,
changeable, unstoppable.

I cannot live on land
Or in the air (for long)

I am water,

healing tears,
blessed rain,
ice, and snow.

I will not fight for you, or your gods,
but I will invite you
beneath and below,
where your will becomes gills
and your choices nil.


If this card appears in a reading you ARE in your power. Un-swayed by others, you know what you want. Guided by your own moral compass, intuition and intellect, the path is made easier. There is a fated quality to your decision. This is what you were put here to do.

In my own life there is a lot of second-guessing, so when the above happens and things feel fated I just KNOW I’m on the right track. Often a dream will confirm it. It’s so much easier to move forward with pluck and confidence when this happens. I can only describe it as a bone-deep knowingness; so deep that nothing can touch it because it’s meant to be.

About Kathy Crabbe:

Kathy Crabbe is an artist and soul reader living in an adobe home she and her husband built themselves near Temecula, California. She painted the Leftys using her non dominant left hand which awakened her brain in a holistic way. In 2000 she was bored and blocked creatively so she switched to her left hand. This awakened her intuitive right brain in a BIG way and she became a soul reader. She dived in waaay out of her comfort zone and got involved in tons of fun, soulful projects and got BRAVER than she ever imagined possible. In 2008 Kathy created a Lefty Oracle Deck for giving soul readings.

Kathy has exhibited at numerous galleries, public spaces, and museums including San Diego Women’s History Museum, Orange County Museum of Art, Carnegie Library, Sawdust Art Festival and New York Stationary Show to name a few. Her work has been published in Witches & Pagans, Sage Woman Magazine and We’Moon Datebook. She has self-published books, zines, four oracle card decks, a blog and and two eClasses. Kathy licenses her work on greeting cards, fabric blocks, handbags and tattoos and is a co-founding member of Temecula Arts Mixer and Artist's Circle.

The Leftys offer healing and humorous messages as sacred tricksters traveling to the Divine and back again to help you find your purpose and develop your intuition. Learn more here: http://www.kathycrabbe.com/leftydeck/

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