Kathy Crabbe

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Faerie Magick Awaits πŸ’š Oracle Deck Pre-Orders End in Less Than 5 Days πŸ’š BELIEVE!

Wild Hyacinth Fairy by Kathy Crabbe

Dear Ones,

When I encountered the faeries here in Southern California on the land where I live the ancient ones shared their magick with me. As I entered that Other World with eyes glittering, I learned that the land can heal and that we can heal the land even if it’s only for the insects who remain after we all become stardust in the process. I remembered... how to dance with the faeries. Can you feel them too?

I honour the fee folk with this fifth and final (?) oracle deck, the Fairy Herbal and it’s magickal paintings. Both are on special until May 3 at midnite.

Why now? Because Venus, Jupiter, the Moon and Neptune are aligned in the sign of Pisces (a water sign, yes I know and my next deck may just be a Mermaid Tarot). As these planets align again as they did before during the Jupiter, Neptune conjunction of 1856 the Spiritualist movement had just been founded (in 1848) along with the discovery of Neptune and we ask again, β€œWhat will the framework of our modern mythology be?” This Jupiter/Neptune conjunction accompanies us on a search for meaning and truth as we search for solace in a traumatic time.

As a former elf (in a past life) and with a current BF elf, I know that faery-land does exist. Believe, O human child…

Come away, O human child!
To the waters and the wild
With a faery, hand in hand,
For the world's more full of weeping than you can understand.

About Kathy

As an initiated Celtic Faerie Witch I am blessed to offer spiritual readings both virtually and in person in Temecula, California and the Thousand Islands, Canada.