Time to fly

Time to fly bird angel goddess fairy painting by Kathy Crabbe watercolor angel painting by Kathy Crabbe

About the Creative Soul Guides ~ Art to Awaken Your Creative Soul

Creative Soul Guides help us enter into other realms; realms where inspiration, quirkiness, love, and being different are okay.

Kathy Crabbe painted the Creative Soul Guides with her non-dominant left hand. This awakened Kathy’s intuition and she started giving Creative Soul Readings using a deck of 88 cards.

NEW! Soul Essence Portraits ~ feed your sacred soul.

 “Juicy Alive! Your Creative Soul Guides make me feel like I’m not alone. They restore something in me…make me feel sane again.” ~ Tangerine Bolen, Revolution Truth Founder



Tips for Girl-Hero Artists

Kathy Crabbe, Girl-Hero, 2013, ink on paper, 5 x 7”.Tips for Wannabe Girl-Hero Artists (inspired by the movie Beasts of the Southern Wild) As a culture we are so done with watching evil and gore and violence in movies...we are ready for love and truth and courage and history.

Draw what means something.

Pick your themes and then write and draw daily.

What do you remember (about your life) that was important?

Blog for fun (and commercially). Paint seriously.

When you believe, others will too.

Stuff I learned from a podcast with artist, Lisa Congdon: Don't just release everything you do, save it up for a show, a book, a bigger project. It may look as though you're doing nothing (online) but that's okay.

Favorite Quotes from Beasts of the Southern Wild which was just nominated for Best Picture, Actress, Director and adapted Screenplay for the 2013 Oscars - WOW!:

When you're small you gotta fix what you can.

It didn't look like a prison, it looked more like a fish tank with no water.

When an animal gets sick...here they plug it into the wall.

The brave men stay and watch it happen, they don't run.

I want to be cohesive.

Once there was a Hushpuppy and she lived with her daddy in the bathtub.

**To purchase the drawing above please click here for my Etsy Shop.