The Empress Speaks

Paulina Tarot by Paulina Cassidy

The Empress Speaks by Stephanie

I love to twirl and spin and grin turning inside out and about like a true empress could.

My bare feet imprinted in the wet dirt connects me to that place I find oh so calming.

Let me feel comfort in knowing that I am a woman. A true empress of life. Wondrous mother, sister and lover.

Intelligently wise beyond space and time. Ever growing and adapting to the throws of life. Freedom calls me to live wildly and naturally like no other.

I am empress the one and only goddess that's me!

Stephanie's Bio Stephanie Francis is an aspiring writer living in Los Angeles. She loves reading tarot, writing poetry and listening to Michael Jackson.

You can find her poetry at

Scorpio Full Moon Musings – Something Beautiful Is Born Today

Something very beautiful is being born today - You. Scorpio knows without knowing how s/he knows... it's all on a subconscious level. When tuning into Scorpio power (and we all have it in our natal birth charts) it's a great time to ask the really important questions and expect to receive some answers - that's how powerful this Moon in Scorpio can be. Ponder that for a moment and then start brewing up some good questions and remember, often they will come at you whether you're ready or not, so be prepared for a few surprises.

Don't over-think things either 'cause this can kill the process. Just jot them down as you try to capture the biggies in your life.

Introducing The Moon Muses

The Moon Muses are intuitive guides and question askers that offer insight and wisdom along with exercises to heal and inspire you. They are creative leap takers forming a glowing moonlit bridge between your rational self and your higher self, a self that dwells in pure intuition, clairvoyance (clear seeing), meditative reflection and dreaming. This month you will meet 2 Gemstone Muses – Opal and Malachite and a Lefty Oracle Muse by the name of Miss Talitha, Spider Sister. I encourage all of you to create a Moon Musing Journal to record your monthly moon explorations (more about this in my new eCourse, Awaken Your Divine Feminine Soul).

A Message from Opal

Tune into your physical body right now - how do you feel? Does anything hurt or irritate you?

Join your hands together because we're going to stimulate both sides of our brains, yin and yang. Scorpio is all about relationships.

1. What new relationships are you forming right now? 2. What established relationships could you deepen? 3. Are these 2 related. If so, pick a symbol that best represents them. 4. What does this symbol mean for you, what does it teach you?

A Message from Malachite

Have you become bored or complacent within your closest relationship(s)? Are you taking them for granted or being taken for granted?

Try dreaming with malachite (a powerful heart cleanser so use in small doses) and opal under your pillow to stimulate your subconscious. Then write down everything that you remember about your dreams immediately after waking up.

My Version of Scorpio ~ Miss Talitha Spider Sister

"Miss Talitha" is part of a series of left-handed drawings I created over a period of five years. These drawings were later turned into an oracle card deck that I use for Soul Readings.


Do you ever have a feeling of smallness? In what ways do you want to be heard? How would you like to be treated by others that would make you feel respected?

How can you nourish yourself in healing and affirming ways?

Now, imagine yourself standing tall as you gaze at yourself, as if in a mirror. Who are you? What 3 words or symbols could you use to describe yourself.

1. I am _____________________ 2. I am _____________________ 3. I am _____________________

Try and come up with a catchy slogan that best describes you and what you do.

I create a world where _______________________________________

Here are mine: Love conquers all. The vulnerable are free. Passion is everything. It's okay to love again. All is Love. Love matters.

Now lastly, choose a Soul Animal to help you on your journey.

Click here to read more Moon Musing posts.

Full Moon Triple Scorpio Power

Full Moon in ScorpioApril 28, 2010 5:18 am PDT

The Moon in Scorpio takes us deep down into our psyche, our roots - down where the magma lies. Our concentration can become fierce, even obsessive, so we need to focus it with care. We can ignore our body or be engulfed in sexuality; get mean or be filled with compassion. It's time to compost the deadwood of life and garden. Excerpted from the We'Moon Datebook.

Anne Ruleman Athens, Tennessee, USA. Shop: Blog:

Scorpios are known for their intensity. I don't think I ever fully appreciated that part of my personality until recently. I now view creativity as a way of life rather than simply "something I do." I pursue my work with such a drive and a passion that it sometimes surprises me since otherwise I'm a pretty laid-back person. I never would have thought I was the type to manage my own business, but currently as I try to make my way as a craft artist, I can't imagine being satisfied with anything else. I love the independence and I love that I don't have to be responsible for anyone but myself, although I've worked well in many jobs and will most likely have to continue to do so to supplement my income, I find that I'm much more content working for myself, even if it means more effort on my part.

Wool Blend Capelet with Braided Edge

I also have a characteristically Scorpio fixation with impermanence which has certainly influenced and been influenced by my spirituality. I practice Buddhism primarily in the Tibetan traditions. I named my shop Empty Knits after the Buddhist concept that all beings and phenomena are empty or lacking of a separate existence or in other words, all things are interdependent. My knitting is a significant part of my practice because it works for me like meditation and brings me closer to the point of awareness, understanding and limitless compassion - it's an exercise in interdependence. When I knit, I'm aware of my connection to everything that has brought me to that point - my own history as a craft artist, the generations of knitters in my family, the wool and bamboo that are enabling me to create something new and where my work will go once it's finished. I knit a lot for charity; Afghans for Afghans and Mother Bear Project are two of my favorites. There's nothing quite like knowing that the sock that appears in my hands is going to warm a child on the other side of the world, it's truly magical.

Donna Shanahan Dothan, Alabama, USA. Shop:

I am a Scorpio born on October 28th. Scorpios are known to be passionate, jealous by nature, deep thinkers, revengeful dreamers, born leaders and creative spirits and I believe my art reflects both my positive and negative Scorpionic traits.

I am most definitely a dreamer with a love of fantasy and far away places. I love to create new things and can always find something new within objects that have been pushed to the side. I want to make them useful again or at least make them stand out above the rest.

I am very in touch with my spiritual side and see the soul in all things - a soul that may be hidden away just wanting to surface. To me vintage items all have a past, some having survived for decades and their vibes draw me to them.

Vintage dolls are my favorite. I look at a vintage doll that is not in the best of shape and I can see that it was well loved at one time. Some dolls have missing hair and some have glazed over eyes. My Scorpionic nature helps me take these lost forgotten souls and make them into something new that stands out again. I look at them with my minds eye and go from there. The eyes are important in a forgotten soul's creation so I give them glowing eyes to show the spirit within from days gone by.

Forgotten Soul Reborn Horror Doll ~ Possessed Polly

I have always loved dolls. They are a reflection of my childhood and the childlike spirit within me. Being born so close to Halloween I also love the darker side of fantasy. Some of my creations can even be morbid, but I work with both the realms of light and of dark - you can't have one without the other. Just as a Scorpio can be jealous and revengeful they can also be loving and passionate.

Creating my Forgotten Soul Dolls is such an inspiration to my everyday life, it's my release and my form of expression. To some it may seem a little crazed or wild but that is the part I love. I do not like being normal, that doesn't inspire me at all.

Stephanie Manus



I’ve been told, beginning around the age of ten, that I was a very old soul. You can’t get more Scorpio than those wise words. Those comments and kind gestures have always ignited my imagination and determination to simply follow my intuition since it knew the way.

From those passions and deeply rooted desires a real love and respect for all things natural came to be. Give me some lovely herbs, oils, stones or a few pretty feathers and beauty will emerge. Each creation and craft is my own personal phoenix and nurtured from the beginning to the end.

Nag Champa Soy Candle

Not long ago I dreamt of an eagle. Its massive hand-like talons opened up my window to come in and for a moment I was fearful, but then I realized that this is what I’ve been waiting for - my team was complete: the scorpion, phoenix and massive dreamy eagle friend. Together we can make this world a better place, one bar of soap at a time.

To read more Full Moon Artist features please click on the link.

Kundalini Balancing & Rising

My name is Annie. I am New Zealand born and bred although I make my home in the largest island in the world, Australia. I have always been able to converse with spirits, having an imaginary friend, George at the age of two until my first day at school and the list goes on. I have run with the wolves during my adolescence, every night in dreams to learn the Lone White Wolf nature. I am a true quintessential Aquarian, very eccentric in nature and very spiritual in my beliefs. This has carried me through numerous traumatic times in my childhood and adulthood to bring me to the state of grace I now find myself in. For many years I was upon a journey within myself to develop my inner gifts of writing (to unleash my unconscious), healing with crystals, the energy and chakra therapies, reading for myself and others and feeling the spirit at work on all levels. I escaped to a nearby place called the Lost World, on the edge of a rain forest to literally lose myself in nature. I spent two wonderful years communing with nature spirits, listening to the trees and holding fire circles with many spirit exchanges and animal ones also. It was here I met my soul mate and upon a new child entering the earthly sphere we departed to the local township for stability and a new beginning as a family.

It was at this point everything turned as I could never have foreseen. With the collapse of the relationship due to the inability to connect with his soul in town and with a newborn baby in my life, I was utilizing my tarot cards, medicine cards and healing energies to get through the darkest depression of my life to date and the daily grind my life had become. I had a dream a few days before divine intervention stepped in that showed me my soul mate had actually murdered me and my child many times over in past life times and I was to rectify this in this lifetime. I battled on.

Three more days went past before divine intervention stepped in through a car accident that my children and I were involved in yet the car miraculously turned at the last moment for my door to take the full impact. The children were remarkably unhurt and apparently I (with a broken neck and severe injuries) was conversing with them the whole time to help them remain calm until medical emergency services arrived on the scene. I must make mention at this point, that the accident occurred at one of my favorite places to visit, Cedar Creek where we had picnicked at the falls many a time and had personally named it “the witches haven”.

I was placed in an induced coma, to give my body a chance to heal itself which lasted almost seven days. Seven being my favorite number, I find this in itself very prophetic. In this coma I was made aware of a glowing white man with white lights for eyes who yelled at me and told me constantly, “Get back there, it’s not your time!” When he was finally done yelling at me, I had many telepathic conversations with this man, he listened to me share my pain and trauma and calmed down enough to show me dreamlike sequences to show me why I must come back.

Upon waking from the coma, the glowing white man continued to haunt me when visitors departed and no one was around. I continually attempted to escape which showed the doctors immediately that I had no nerve damage and was not going to suffer any paralysis. I had a neurophysiologist converse with me about my escaping habits and I shared with him the glowing man and my fear that he is still here. He smiled at me and told me to research him when I got out of hospital, because that man has saved your life. They moved me to the brain injury ward where I could no longer escape although within two weeks I was allowed to go home.

I had no memory of the past two years or anything traumatic from my life before. I began getting to know my beautiful children again, with a total amazement at the young child I now had. It was his acknowledgment of me and his genuine trusting and loving nature that brought me back quick smart to reclaim my life in a whole new world. My 16 year old daughter, at the time, filled me in on pieces I just couldn’t understand due to the amnesia and I was consistently telling everyone I wanted a snake which no one would take seriously. I had two broken vertebrae in my neck which took 3 months to heal, 12 smashed ribs that took 6 weeks to heal, a hole in my lung and liver that took a week to heal with no pain to speak of.

Archangel Metatron

This journey has been totally unbelievable, even from my own perspective and that is because I don’t feel quite human. I am in a human experience, Yes although I know there is a spirit one also and that is the one I have needed to trust to recover so remarkably. Having trusted the spirit and the glowing man with great thanks for my life now, everything that man showed me has come to fruition with the greatest good for us all. I no longer hide my emotions and battle with society’s expectations of us to conform. There is now a knowing that life just is and the spirit just is! I no longer feel any need to explain it or justify it to others. I just let it be. What will be, really will be. We all come to our own place of knowing when we are ready and open and willing enough.

Please don’t get me wrong, in the past 18 months I have had all sorts of things thrown my way that I would normally have seen as very traumatic and would have had a need to fight for my rights although they have all come through my children and their respective fathers, whereby I can see the whole picture now and have been able to fight for my children's rights, standing beside them as a support network of unconditional love and protection that stands apart on its own because I just trust in the unseen. I have had both fathers of my sons attempt to use this brain injury as the basis to claim custody of my children with disastrous results on their behalf. I have a legal knowledge now that astounds me, having filled out my own affidavits, prepared my own defense and I just trust in the universal justice system rather than the human created one with wondrous results for my children.

As I slowly get a handle on the knowledge I now have and how I wish to bring it out into the world to help others on their path to enlightenment, I have reintegrated back into working part time in a retail store as part of my connecting to adults again and providing an outlet for me, which I call my ‘free time’. Who would ever think that working would be a freedom, but to me it is and a way to find my way back into the sphere of humanity to prepare myself for the future I know I have in store for I was shown.

I was only just saying all this to my 18 year old daughter earlier this year and feeling like I have completely healed now. She smiled and told me she had acquired a snake for me for my birthday, “Go have a look Mum.” I fell in love with her and brought her home. My daughter trusted in my spirit calling and listened, because I have always listened and trusted in her. My snake is finally here and she is telling me wisely, now is the time to get ready to shed this healing skin and embark on the next phase of my life. I had three names in my mind when she came, although she flicked her tongue at me when I said, “Kundalini” so Kundalini it is. For she has helped me balance out the Kundalini serpent within that is ready to rise. No longer am I using my sexual energy for any exploits with humans, it’s all there for me to utilize to release the passion I hold inside for helping humanity realize we are all healers, we are all wise women. We are all spirit beings, light beings and we all work as one for the highest good of all.

On another note, and I know you readers are inquisitive to know who this glowing white man was. I researched him. I have never been a religious person although I went on a ‘bible’ hunt at my local library. After reading every bible there is I still hadn’t a clue. Then a girlfriend gave me an Angel Bible as a gift. As she gave it to me, she asked me to open to any page and see if that’s the man you saw. I prayed to the glowing one and opened the book, to the White Angel, Archangel Metatron, even the picture was strikingly similar minus the long white beard, but he had a shiny bald head. I got light sparkly twinkles and from this day forward when I am with someone that is caught up in the human experience, I see these white sparkly lights surround the person. The person most often stops what they are saying and admits that in their mind they have all these lights flashing. I smile and know it’s my archangel doing his work, freeing up my mind and theirs to be able to change their whole perspective from that point on in the conversation and it works!

I meditate with him often, he is always present around the Full and New Moons and is ever present in my daily life and always will be from this day forward. I feel it was his work in bringing Kathy into my life at this very auspicious time of the Spring Equinox, 2010. I have been working towards manifesting this very story to be told and preparing my book to be published in the very near future which was part of my ‘coma dream’ also. The time is here and I pray that you all can take something from this interesting experience to gain insight into your own earthly transition at this time.

Sparkly Blessings All with Love & Light ~ Annie

Annie's Facebook Page:

Aries the Pioneer

It was the New Moon in Aries this past week, very powerful. Aries is the pioneer, the warrior and the baby too.

I am planting seeds of intention, my hands are dirty, covered in soil and primer, but this time I'll have help. Getting sidetracked is not an option.

Each brushstroke a prayer. When beginning a painting it helps to start with forms that one falls in love with.

What intentions are you planting this New Moon Month?