Kathy Crabbe

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Friday is for Gran & The Fiddlehead - Part 4

This post is dedicated to my Gran - it is my weekly letter to her and it also commemorates a recently family reunion and trip taken along the Leicester Loop in England during which time we rented 5 narrow boats and spent 2 weeks steering ourselves around the English countryside. A trip I will never forget! It was one of the best times of my life; waking up to see the water outside my window, to hear the motor starting up, and to know we were off on other day of sight seeing around the English countryside with 35 family members all in tow! Below are pages from my Moleskin sketchbook.

Taking a break to dock, read a book, make a meal and tour the area.

Many a walking trip was spent touring Old English Churches and cemeteries where I collected little flowers to tape in my sketchbook.

Gran Part 1
Gran Part 2
Gran Part 3