Kathy Crabbe

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Two Virgo Artisans Discuss their Craft

New Moon in VirgoSeptember 8, 2010 3:30 am pdt

Origami Butterfly Loop Earrings by Christine McCredie

Spotlight on Virgo Artists, Mother & Daughter Team: Christine McCredie & Elsie CMC Creations Madison, Wisconsin, USA

I am Virgo in my perfectionistic nature and the analytical way I see things. I think this is why I chose my specific theme in jewelry art; origami - every fold meticulous and exacting: the outcome is paper perfection. Ruled by the element earth I am a tactile creature, and I love the exquisite Japanese papers I work with, so full of texture and color; they inspire me.

My inventive nature and creative Virgoan side enjoys taking these meticulously folded paper forms and turning them into the focal points of various pieces of jewelry.

Virgos: Christine McCredie & Elsie

Ever critical, as the way of Virgo, sometimes finding the perfect beads to enhance my jewelry pieces can become time consuming, but when it’s all said and done, I fall in love with each piece created.

Now, my Virgo daughter, born five days before my 21st birthday, has a very different personality. She has yet to develop the exacting perfectionism that Virgos are known for and can let her creative juices flow without worrying and analyzing. I love working with her late into the evenings and relish her excitement at each finished piece as she expands her artistic side and delves into new, spontaneous ideas. I’m excited to see where it takes her because, even though perfectionism isn’t there, Virgo shows itself strongly in her trendy fashion sense and her flair for the dramatic.

White yarn kitten with red accents by Tanya Luke

Spotlight on Virgo Artist/Crafter: Tanya Luke 29 Palms, California, USA Kozie Kritterz

I am a Virgo “all the way” and a crafter at heart. I live in 29 Palms, California with my wonderful husband and three delightful children. I love fall colors, sweet scents, and the “warm feeling.” Holding true to the Virgo standard, “perfect is almost good enough” my work on these adorable Kritterz is near perfect. I have put my heart and soul into making each Kritter. I love watching the personality of each Kritter come to life as I put its’ face on, find the perfect collar, trim and fluff its’ fur. Each Kritter is precisely hand wrapped over 2,200 times on the forms my Nana (now 94) used when she first started making them over thirty years ago. These are the same forms she used to teach me how to make my first cat when I was eight. I am Virgoan in the way that I put the Kritterz together methodically and to perfection. My Virgo passion for color and texture serves me well in my craft.

I can browse through a yarn store for hours just looking at the vibrant colors and feeling all the wonderful textures of the yarns.

When a Virgo sets out to achieve their goals they do so with a fiery determination and I don’t find myself any

Virgo Crafter: Tanya Luke

different. As a Virgo go-getter I have taught myself how to turn a cat into many new animals and a fun and fulfilling home business. It enables me to be able to stay home with my two young children and home school them. Crafting has always been a big part of my life and helps me stay centered and focused. Taking care of the smallest of details is what I am known for, just like each Kritter has his or her own adoption certificate and gable box home. I love being outside and I use a lot of items found in nature for my crafting. I also find that I'm at my calmest when I am creating these wonderful Kritterz.