Kathy Crabbe

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Aries New Moon (Pick-a-Card) + Tips To Get Through These Challenging Times

Dear Moon Muser,
We will get through these challenging times with a little help from our friends.

You've probably been listening to a lot of talking heads these days to stay abreast of the news, but I'm asking that instead you take a break and go within, but deeper than I've ever asked you to before; past the fear, the worry, the anxiety - to the stillness and calm that is our core and lies within each of us.

You may have been reading this blog for the past 20 years or for the first time today, but this is what I teach: How to awaken, access and trust your intuition. Like a muscle, we need to work it, again and again - this builds trust.

Intuition needs nature and quiet. Even just a tiny amount - a bit of dirt, a small houseplant, a glimpse of sky and stars and a moment to yourself to go within.

This blog offers you just that so use it to work your intuition.

As usual I've pulled some oracle cards from my own hand painted decks for this New Moon so you can go within, ask a question (or not) then pick a card and scroll down for the reveal. I'm also sharing my own personal interpretation of the cards (before even looking at them) along with Tips To Help You Through This Time (things that work for me).

Time to take a breath, go within and pick-a-card. The reveal is below.

See this form in the original post

Card 1: Capricorn (Zodiac Goddess Power deck)

Capricorn Meditation: Focus your energies to allow creation.

Capricorn Affirmations

  • I am self-disciplined, logical, persistent and efficient

  • I am strong and I will endure

  • I am ambitious, responsible and secure

  • I am grounded and compassionate

  • I am a success in everything I do

Card 2: Carolee (Lefty Oracle deck)

Mantra: I am free.
Affirmation: I dare to be free.
Element: Earth

If this card appears in a reading you are more than ready to forge ahead. You are brave and you are going for it; nothing or no one can stand in your way. Simple.

In my own life this card also speaks of raw, naked ambition and flaunting it without shame or fear. It’s a feminist card, a fighter card, a power card. Blessed Be.

Card 3: Spider Monkey (Elfin Ally Oracle deck)

Keyword: Curious
Meaning: You’re tapped into many little secrets floating around you.
Reversed: Your mind is playing tricks on you.
Affirmation: I am agile.
Astrology: Gemini, Mercury
Element: Air
Medicine: You teach us how to be agile female leaders.

Card 4: This Beauty is Killing Me (Lefty Oracle deck)

Mantra: I am empowered
Affirmation: I am beautiful in my own way.
Element: Fire

When this card appears in a reading it’s time to seriously look at how you might be damaging yourself, your health, your life. Wearing high heels, for example is extremely harmful to your feet and back and will cause pain for you at some point in your life. Are you hurting others or being hurt? Are you vulnerable? Do you need protection and education around protecting yourself, your loved ones, your home, or the natural world around you? This card is simply pointing out the price you are paying for so called ‘beauty’. Is it worth it?

In my own life here in Southern California I look around at all the plastic surgeries and there are A LOT. But what can I do? I can accept me and put myself proudly out there to share my idea of what beauty means at middle age. It’s silver hair, extra weight and wrinkles that add to my beauty, not take away from it. I have survived AND thrived and beauty IS middle aged and wrinkled. So deal with it.

My Overall Interpretation:

  • Use these cards to find the sweet stillness within and to be with that stillness to renew and recharge.

  • Ground, ground, ground - be with Mama Earth.

  • Let your intuition guide you regularly.

  • Listen to the birds and BE IN their song.

My Personal Tips To Get You Through These Challenging Times

  1. Less news, more nature. I’m taking every other day off from the news.

  2. Call an old friend (or email/skype/facetime).

  3. Create more, read more.

  4. Be kind.

  5. Get organized - spring cleaning, anyone?

  6. Listen to wise woman herbalist, Susun Weed’s latest podcasts for a different perspective on the covid19 virus plus listen to callers ask questions (you can call in too!) This helped to calm and relax me.

  7. Go within to find inner strength, gratitude and to call upon a higher power, your gods/goddesses, spirit guides or universal energy.

  8. Ask health care workers and elderly neighbors what you can do to be of assistance.

Special Offer

Need more help going within and working your intuition? Enjoy my Elfin Ally Oracle deck at 10% off (includes free global shipping) mailed directly from me along with a special goody bag of magical, happy art reproductions compiled by me over 25 years.

Limited edition of 20 decks + goody bags are available.
Enter this discount code when checking out: ELFIN

About Kathy Crabbe

Artist, writer, teacher and soul guide, Kathy Crabbe invokes faerie goddess spirituality to heal, make whole and holy. She is Mother of the Lefty Oracle and Elfin Ally Oracle decks. She’s also sort of ambidextrous. Her work has appeared in We’Moon Datebook, Sage Woman Magazine, Sawdust Art Festival and the Women’s Museum of California. Kathy writes a moon column for Witches and Pagans, is a member of Hey Grrrl Collective in Temecula, and mentors at Wise Woman University where she teaches a Divine Feminine eClass.