Kathy Crabbe

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New Moon in Capricorn Oracle Reading (Pick-a-Card)

Enjoy this 3 card spread and pick-a-card to find out what's in store for you in the moonth (or year) ahead. Cards are from my self published decks: Lefty Oracle deck, Elfin Ally Oracle deck and coming soon, the Goddess Zodiac Power deck (Spring, 2020).

Time now to go deep.
Take some breaths.
Choose a card above then scroll down for the REVEAL.

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Capricorn New Moon Reading by Kathy Crabbe

Card 1: Aquarius (Zodiac Goddess Power Deck)

Aquarian Meditation

Aquarius is the knowledge that all we do effects humanity.
We are humanity. We are love.
A new vision is birthed from the old.

Aquarius Affirmations

  • I seek out unusual people and experiences.

  • I overstep my boundaries to create the unusual and manifest my dreams.

  • I teach unconditional love.

  • I believe in the limitless possibilities of life.

  • I am called to the circle where I tend the web of community.

  • I am a force for change.

Change Begins With You

- See the interdependence of all life forms in an unbroken web of consciousness
- Feel hope and freedom as you dream of the future
- Know that the earth is alive
- Teach us how to care ethically
- Spread goddess consciousness wherever you go
- Walk your talk

Card 2: Black Duck (Elfin Ally Oracle Deck)

Keyword: Fierce
Meaning: Your daring-ness is quietly impressive and will take you where you need to go.
Reversed: Don’t be too quiet for too long.

Affirmation: I hear you.
Astrology: Aquarius, Moon, Neptune, Pisces, Pluto
Element: Air, Water

Medicine: Your call awakens the Divine within.

Lore: Despite her late start in life, she was simply, fantastic and with Black Duck as her ally she would find and refine the DELIGHT that beat in tune with her heart.

Card 3: Nambia, pleasantly present (Lefty Oracle Deck)

Mantra: I relax.
Affirmation: I am pleasantly present and focused upon one project, and only one project at a time.
Element: Air

I am
at peace

I rest.
I float

When this card appears in a reading you definitely need a break. Take some time for rest and relaxation, to shed your worries, get pampered and have some fun. This is not a time to crack down and get busy. You’ll achieve far more later by taking it easy now. Figure out an easy way to charge your batteries and make time for YOU.

In my own life, I love to simply just sit in nature, breathe in the smells and enjoy the sights; not thinking or doing anything, just being.

About Kathy Crabbe

Artist, writer, teacher and soul guide, Kathy Crabbe invokes faerie goddess spirituality to heal, make whole and holy. She is Mother of the Lefty Oracle and Elfin Ally Oracle decks. She’s also sort of ambidextrous. Her work has appeared in We’Moon Datebook, Sage Woman Magazine, Sawdust Art Festival and the Women’s Museum of California. Kathy writes a moon column for Witches and Pagans and is a mentor at Wise Woman University where she teaches a Divine Feminine eClass.

p.s. Thank you for all your support this year. I'm thrilled to be a part of your life and hope that I provide the inspiration and healing you need to soar or swim or walk this path with peace and joy in your heart.

Click here for Kathy’s Soul Readings + Astrology