Kathy Crabbe

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Solidarity, Support and Strength the Crone Way (Happy Beltane!)

The Future by Kathy Crabbe (Crone Club Charm). The original is available here.

Happy Beltane! This is a day of love and lust...May Day! What future seed can you plant today and water and nurture and love to fruition?  I'm planting the seed of our Crone Club growing here on my blog; a place for sharing secrets and telling tales. Is that why you're here? I hope so!

To be honest I keep debating whether things are starting off too slow with the Crone Club (i lack patience sometimes) but know that I appreciate your support dearly. I do wish that there were more of us!  So, I will have patience and plant my seed of hope deep in my heart, watering it with tears and blood and wishes that we will grow stronger and stronger and stronger. 

Blessed Be!
Kathy Crabbe
"Creating and channeling is a release, a surrender, and a choice to love myself as strong, divine, sexy, whole and holy, with humour and grace as we face the darkness together. Join me!"

What is Crone?

I am a Gen X Crone; the first of my generation to go through menopause. I want to help women of all ages awaken the wise woman within in an empowered and graceful way. Darkness is the Crone-wise path; it is the third stage of life: maiden, mother, crone...and after that the ultimate mystery. We are Crone as we birth ourselves into this new stage of life; a second puberty that is so transformative.

Join the Crone Club

About Kathy Crabbe

Soul reader, witch, professional artist since 1992, creator of the Lefty Oracle deck, teacher of the eClass, Awaken Your Divine Feminine Soul at the Wise Woman University and author of several books including the Goddess Zodiac Playbook and Moon Musings, Kathy lives with her two dogs, Abby and Djinn Djinn and her architect husband in homes they've built themselves surrounded by the desert and forest wilderness of Temecula, California and the 1000 Islands of Ontario, Canada.