Full Moon Goddess Capricorn Power

Enjoy these Moon Collages from past students of my Divine Feminine eClass.

Kathy Crabbe, Capricorn Full Moon Collage. Mixed Media, 8.5 x 11 inches. © 2010

Kathy Crabbe, Capricorn Full Moon Collage. Mixed Media, 8.5 x 11 inches. © 2010

My own personal remedy for flagging energy is to CREATE! And so I did. Right now I’m teaching an eCourse called Awaken Your Divine Feminine Soul and usually by the third week I can feel class energy waning just a tad so to amp things up a bit I decided to get it all out, to express, release, manifest the desires, seeds and intentions I had planted at the New Moon and were longing to blossom and flower in cahoots with the potently felt Full Moon in Capricorn energy that fell in conjunction with the lunar eclipse and the Cardinal Cross – whew! There’s a lot going on. I was also hoping to inspire my students to get busy and get collaging or vision boarding, or creating and manifesting in whatever ways their hearts desired, just as long as they let it out and into the world-at-large.

My Collage Elements:

Lakshmi: Goddess Lakshmi means Good Luck to Hindus. The word 'Lakshmi' is derived from the Sanskrit word "Laksya", meaning 'aim' or 'goal', and she is the goddess of wealth and prosperity, both material and spiritual.

Crow Totem: I'm seeing crows everywhere indicating supernatural omens of coming change...can you feel it yet?

Themis: Greek Goddess of Justice.

Isadora Duncan: Was an American dancer and innovative educator known for interdisciplinary and cross-cultural projects

Podcasting Microphone: I really really want to delve into audio so I can share my Moon meditations with all of you!

Background Painting: is from my series "Journey Into Intimacy".

So, all in all the collage process in combination with the energy of this month’s New and Full Moons has helped me advance ever so surely in the direction I’m aiming for and I honour Mother Moon and in fact I honour all Mother’s everywhere, for being strong and intuitive leaders because we really really need you right now so keep up the good work.

The Dance of the Future will have to become again a high religious art as it was with the Greeks. For art which is not religious is not art, it is mere merchandise.~ Isadora Duncan

More Moon Collages by student can be viewed here on Flickr.