Finding Our Heart-Home

Sometimes it feels like I spend more time shutting out the world than I do being in it, through meditation, deep thinking, deep feeling. The time spent on this is immeasurable - time does not equal money. How little money can we exist on? How to simplify so that basic needs are met, leaving room for art-making, play, deep reverie? A longing for one-ness with the universe, the Divine, the source, the thread connecting all I do. Sometimes we seek outside of ourselves to fill this emptiness, this loneliness felt deep within our soul, but outside sources can never fill this bottomless pit. Instead we need to recognize our yearning for what it truly is, a search for source, a longing for re-connection with our Divine self.

When we realize this - that our heart-home lies always within reach and that our true home is always within ourselves, we are home, we are blessed, we are free.

"I love the ground whereon he stands." From the song "Black Is The Colour" by Marcy D'arcy & The Prodigal Sons from the album "Women of the World Celtic II"

The photos above were taken after experiencing a sound healing bath played upon quartz crystal singing bowls at the Integratron in Landers, California.

100 Words

In Process 

I discovered a very cool website called 100 Words through a friend and it got me writing every day, but in 100 word blocks. I found that my writing became much more focused, poetic and succinct so I've starting it up again, but this time on my blog in conjunction with works of art in progress. Enjoy!

100 Words

Silence, for meditation, sleeping, deep thinking...had to remove the clock. Sit cross-legged, motionless, the pen clutched in my hand, feeling you inside me.

My heart radiates joy and my mind is still.

Images of Madonna and Maya Deren - Goddesses; Venuses - out of the sea, worshiping Love and Sex and young boys - crawling cat-like onto a board-room table - proud and strong and sexual, predatory.

From God to sex to Love - not a far leap.

Sometimes watching strong men makes me feel like anything is possible - rippling muscles, dark eyes, bare chests, guns. Powerful emotions caught up inside.

Literary Ambience: Diaries of Anais Nin