Daily Magic: Full Moon in Virgo Blessing

Kathy Crabbe, Full Moon Blessings, 2013, ink & watercolor on paper, 5 x 7”Kathy Crabbe, Full Moon Blessings, 2013, ink & watercolor on paper, 5 x 7”.

Welcome to my newest series of paintings titled Daily Magic: Pictures & Words to Wish Upon. This series is dedicated to Sally.  It will also appear in Susun Weed's new member's only site at www.wisewomanmentor.com where I have been invited to be a mentor columnist as well as exhibit my art in the Goddess Art Gallery. I actually got my start in online teaching at Susun Weed's Wise Woman University where I offered my eClass Awaken Your Divine Feminine Soul which is currently being offered on my own site as a self-study program.

The first painting in this series is titled Full Moon Blessings and was painted to honour Mother Moon as she passed through the sign of Virgo a few days ago. My intention with this series is to create a painting a day using magical forms and shapes with the power to make magic happen, to bring form into being, to change the future and to transform the present. It will be a book of:

  • Mystical forms
  • Power sayings
  • Beauty
  • Whimsy
  • Healing
  • Teaching
  • Intention
  • Wishing
  • Truth
  • Knowing
  • Wisdom
  • Ancient wisdom
  • Power
  • Strength
  • Sweetness
  • A Muse
  • Strange

About the Moon in Virgo: Mutable Earth-sign Virgo gets us back to work; it's time to evaluate our harvest, put sweat equity in all our dreams and educate others with all we know and all we intend. Virgo asks us to proceed, not with judgment but with healing; tune up our health, edit our life. Virgos are our natural counselors, healers, and teachers; they evaluate, diagnose and edit with ease. They have finely-tuned minds and nervous-systems, and are acutely aware of the mind-body connection; ideas and facts are their bouquet. They're asked to focus on the harvest, not the weeds.

Excerpted from the We'Moon Datebook.

I'm a Virgo with several planets in the 6th House, the Virgo House (an über Virgo you could say!) and I completely relate to everything above.

ABOUT KATHY Kathy Crabbe is a Creative Soul Guide, artist, educator and writer who has devoted her life to exploring spirituality and creativity with passion and integrity. Kathy’s work has been published and shown throughout the world at museum shows, galleries, magazine and books. She maintains a regularly updated blog and a portfolio site. Kathy empowers soul-seekers to live the life of their dreams through online resources, classes, creative soul readings and inspirational art infused with a rich background in the arts.

Kathy received intuitive training from English psychic and channel, Adam Higgs and spiritual training from meditation teacher Om (devotee of Sri Chinmoy). She studied yoga with Atma Khalsa and Amanollah Ghahraman, Herbalism with Susun Weed (Green Witch Intensive) and Therapeutic Touch with Joyce Fournier, RN. Kathy received her certification in crystal healing from Katrina Raphaell’s Crystal Academy and has been a lifelong student of astrology through private study and group sessions with Steven Forrest, Patty Davidson, Laura DesJardins and Jeffrey Wolf Green.

Kathy Crabbe: Guiding Your Creative Soul

My Divine Feminine eClass is now Self Study!

Night Angel. Acrylic and ink on wood panel, 8 x 10 inches. © 2012 by Kathy Crabbe Dearest Divine Moon Musers - My Awaken Your Divine Feminine Soul eClass is now a self study program available for $19.95 which also includes a personalized Moon Chart.

I suggest starting at the New Moon and working your way through each week's lessons and assignments in tune with Mama Moon. You will also receive a personalized Moon Chart so that you can tie in your personal Moon sign with the moon sign of the month. For example, my moon is in Aquarius in the 11th House (the Aquarian House) so I might want to take the eClass in January when the New Moon is in Aquarius or in August when the Full Moon is in Aquarius.

I originally offered my eClass at Susun Weed's Wise Woman University in 2010 and it quickly became the most popular and well attended class of the year; what an amazing experience! We "Moon Musers" are still good friends, mainly through Facebook but eventually we'll meet up in person, I just know it.

Learn more here.

Comments from past participants:

I was drawn to this course to unearth my spirituality and integrate it into my daily life. I tend to allow myself to get caught up in a madcap pace and feel like I'm running away from real life. By putting forth effort to be connected with the moon phases, to regularly write and collage, to align myself with like-minded women, and shake up the "norm" within, is long overdue! Your eCourse is falling right along the lines of what I need right now ... self-discovery involving creative juices and perhaps even some spiritual development. Thank you Kathy!

Divine Moon Muser, Elizabeth Mow, Handbag Artisan

I have a lot of things to process - and I think this course has been the first real shake-up of my inner spiritual eye!

Divine Moon Muser, Jen Merritt, Social Worker, Artist

Did I suddenly realize (like everything in my life) that it is always up to me to make the choice of healing? Yep. It doesn't mean that I have to embrace things that I have left behind for many reasons. It doesn't mean that I have to change into a woman that I don't like. It doesn't mean that being solitary is bad and I have to stop. It only means that I can move closer to what I have asked for many years ago, when I was young (13). I don't care if I am beautiful, I just want to be wise and to share that with others.

Divine Moon Muser, Claudi Neff

Divine Moon Muser, Michelle Buckley

Kathy is indeed a shining light, illuminating the way for you to find what you are seeking through creativity, art, moon musing, astrology, mid life transition …the list is long! As a mentor she has the knack of, despite being in the northern hemisphere in Southern California, making you feel as if you are sitting next to her having a good ol’ chat! She emanates a warmth that feels like a beckoning hand outstretched as she gently guides you to find your path. Most importantly though – Kathy makes it FUN!

Divine Moon Muser, Michelle Buckley, Creative Soul.

Working on my collages with the moon and sharing in the chat room with the other moon sisters has helped me open up more on a personal level. It’s really allowed me to target a change in my life and it has also helped me understand what I want to create for my future.

Divine Moon Muser, Brenda Nickolaus

Annalee JackofskyOne of the biggest goals that I accomplished during this course was to be happier with myself and more confident in all areas of my life. I learned that if I trust in myself great things will happen. I don’t consider myself to be a creative person (art, drawing, etc.), so I was very proud that I didn’t just create one collage, but five.

Divine Moon Muser, Annalee Jackofsky

I can't thank you enough for having this course and for the wonderfully open and supportive atmosphere you've created, it has been totally transformative for me and has given me so much direction, I just can't believe it. I don't want to leave...PLEASE!!!!!! don't say it's over!!!

Spotlight on Divine Feminine Moon Muser, Dawn Pinke Anderson

Divine Moon Muser, Dawn Pinke Anderson

Divine Moon Muser, Dawn Pinke Anderson

Divine Moon Muser Dawn attended Awaken Your Divine Feminine Soul several times and had this to say about her experience:

Eighteen months ago I came to a turning point in that I could no longer suppress myself and my desires to explore and live my life my way. I always knew there was another plan for me, a path, and I'm happily exploring all the myriad of options available to me.

I found this course while looking at Susun Weed's site and her herbal courses (following some advice to get into nature, etc.)

Leo New Moon Collage by Dawn P. Anderson

Leo New Moon Collage by Dawn P. Anderson

I have come to the conclusion that I will never truly fit in the way I see so many women group together.  Half the time when I am inside the 'inner circle' of these groups, I am bored to tears with the ridiculous things (gossip, etc.) being discussed.  I don't need or want that!  I long for the deep, meaningful connections and conversations that feed my soul!  Like these discussions we're having online!!

I can't thank you enough for having this course and for it's wonderfully open and supportive atmosphere. It has been totally transformative for me and has given me so much direction, I just can't believe it.

But most importantly, taking this course and delving into astrology again, particularly learning about the nodes of the moon and reading Jan Spiller's book (Spiritual Astrology), OMG! it all came together...I get it now, what I'm supposed to be doing in this lifetime, etc., etc.

What did you like best about this course?

All of it!! Especially the online discussions. I especially liked the amount of frequent and expansive feedback from Kathy AND the networking, chats, and connections, etc. with the other students...my long lost moon sisters.

What could I have done to make this course better for you?

This course is so great that it's hard to imagine any improvement.  That said, I so enjoyed the student and instructor interactions that I wish (1) it were longer and (2) everyone involved were located in my city so that we could meet in person for discussions, art work sessions, perform moon rituals together, etc.  I feel a connection to each like they are my long lost sisters (Moon Sisters, yea!) and I want a family reunion!!

Has this course been of value to you and why?

Yes, extremely! This course has helped me uncover profound insights I wouldn't have gotten to in YEARS of talk therapy! It has given me such valuable insight into my soul purpose, my intended path, why I gravitate toward certain beliefs and practices...deepened my awareness and respect for the earth, the trees, the plants, the plants, the planets and the unseen world! I especially appreciate that it set me on a path of regular journaling, meditation and introspection AND gave me a family of sisters with whom to share my experiences.

Are you continuing to moon muse, journal and collage on your own?

Absolutely!!! I am even more aware of the moon, planets, the earth seasons, etc. and am following all the subtle (and not so subtle) signs and energies in all aspects of my life.

Have you ever taken an online course before, and if so how was this course in comparison?

The other online courses I have taken did not have the wealth of interaction and feedback via their forum. Feedback and interaction from the 'leader' was nearly non-existant.  The student forum was bleak and it was impossible to get any interaction going with other students.  I became bored after 3-4 weeks (It was a 3 month course) and quit.  In contrast, this course was fun, lively, tons of discussion and feedback!  It was hard to imagine we were spread out across the continent as the warm and friendly discussions and comments made it feel like I was chatting with my best friends.

Are you interested in taking this course again?

Yes!  This was actually my second time taking this course and it further deepened the insights from the first time, added more learning, and really opened up my creative juices!  Not to mention opening me up to noticing more messages from the earth, from nature.

To learn more about the Awaken Your Divine Feminine Soul eClass please click here.

More Student Spotlights can be found here.

Wise Woman Radio: Susun Weed Interviews Me

I was recently interviewed by Susun Weed, herbalist, author and founder of the Wise Woman University and just had to share! Wise Woman Radio Interview

Susun Weed, also known as the Grandmother of the Herbal Renaissance in America is an amazing and strong woman who has developed her healing practice in honour of Wise Woman Wisdom. She has written many books and offers all kinds of classes both on her land in upstate New York and through correspondence.

Early in 2010 Susun Weed started an online university called the Wise Woman University where I am offering a lunar based 4 week course which begins each New Moon and is called Awaken Your Divine Feminine Soul. Susun and I discuss my course (which had not yet started at the time of the interview) and my soon-to-be published eBook titled The Goddess Zodiac Playbook.

The print above is titled Beebalm and comes from my Fairy Herbal Healing Series which I later developed into a deck of 89 oracle cards that I incorporate into Soul Readings.