Libra Full Moon ~ awaken the kiss within

The Kiss by Kathy Crabbe Full Moon in Libra April 4, 2015, 5:05 am Pacific Time Total Lunar Eclipse: 5:01 am Pacific Time

This Full Moon let's dance in partnership with all our relations; not just loved ones, but everyone. Let's make all our interactions a dance. The style of dance is up to you...slow and steady, raucous and loud, fiery, sharp, jiggly, juicy...take your pick. What are YOU sharing with others right now, today, tomorrow, over the next coupla full moon days?

As for me, I'm debuting my Lefty Art (cards & prints) for the first time in a booth devoted solely to them - finally! It's only taken 15 years to work up the courage. Why so long?  Because I thought they were too weird and that the world wasn't ready for them yet, but after doing the exercise below I realized they are PERFECT and so perfectly imperfect; just like me and you and everyone else we there! It's taken me years to get over a feeling of 'not being good enough' but I'm getting there... I am. How?  By being myself and standing in my truth and by sharing my truth as I'm doing relegating $ anxiety to the wayside which is not easy at all and it's taken a long, long time, but things DO change; for that is something we CAN rely upon. Oh ya, and the other BIGGIE was that I just could not let go of my other work and by that I mean show off in equal measure, both online and at art shows my other styles of art work: the LuLu Series, the Divine Feminine Series, the Aliens, the Magical Folk Art and on an on, but I needed to FOCUS and not confuse folks with all these different styles and for me, the Leftys are IT; they are my heart and soul and they need my full attention and YOURS! This quote from the book, The Twelve Wild Swans sums things up:

Up until now, Rose has followed her call, her intuition, her river. Now she must simply let go and allow herself to be carried away. In any initiation, there comes a moment when the initiate must give over control. In any creative process, there comes a moment when the work takes over, the characters come alive and take on a will of their own.  In ritual, the true moments of ecstasy occur when we let the power move us. But for those moments to happen, the basket needs to be woven, the container needs to be strong. ~  The Twelve Wild Swans. by Starhawk and Hilary Valentine: Rituals, Exercises & Magical Training in the Reclaiming Tradition

Venus, (the Goddess of love and beauty) rules the sign of Libra and in my astrological birth chart She packs an extra wollop 'cause my Venus is in the sign of Libra AND in the 7th House (the Libra House) so I'm going to be sharing my beauty this Full Moon in the form of cards and prints displayed in a lovely, shabby chic booth. My two main props are oooold! The green desk was antique when my husband inherited it as a boy and it's where he did all his homework growing up. The chair was hand caned by his dad, several times actually. I didn't know that the Leftys would fit in with this particular style, but it all came together so organically after countless hours online spent researching booth and card rack designs at fab indie fairs like the Renegade and Crafty Wonderland.

To discover your own style, your brand, your dance, take time to go within during this Full Moon to find your quiet center. Then, look around you at your space; what objects are you in love with that are calling to you? Think about their colors, their feel, and any words that could describe them. Why are they so meaningful to you? Do this quickly while jotting things down in your Moon Journal.

Now, in 3 words sum up your personal style as depicted by all your fave objects surrounding you and make those words matter for they express you; your love, your heart, your soul.

My 3 words: Sweet, natural, earthy My 3 colors: yellow, purple, red Fave objects: a tiny handmade ceramic vase (cute, with swirly designs and a praying mantis), wildflowers, a letterpressed mermaid card, books

My Altar

Wild Cucumber

Lefty Display by Kathy Crabbe

Lefty Framed by Kathy Crabbe

Libra Moon Circle Altar Suggestions (from my Goddess Zodiac Playbook)

  • Libra - Scales of justice
  • Time of Year – Fall, Autumn Equinox,
  • September 23 - October 22
  • Quality – Cardinal
  • Element – Air
  • Ruler – Venus
  • Anatomy – Kidneys
  • Natural sign of – 7th house
  • Opposite sign – Aries
  • Color – Shades of blue, pale green, pink
  • Gemstone – Bloodstone, jade, jasper
  • Tarot card – Justice
  • Goddesses – Athene, Benzaitan, Maat, Minerva, Nemesis, Themis

Libra Meditation

Forever beauty we dance and spin, Ride our chariot, harness the wind, Find divine balance within.

Divine Moon Muser by Kathy CrabbeCalling All Goddesses! My 4 week eClass "Awaken Your Divine Feminine Soul" begins 1 week before the upcoming New Moon in Aries at the Wise Woman University...expect SiStar connections, moon collaging goodness, your own personal moon chart and lots of divine feminine fun! Learn more here.

  • Purchase a birth chart and 30 page report here.
  • Lefty Art is here.
  • Goddess Zodiac Playbook is here.

Lefty Art Debut: Friday, April 3 in Old Town Temecula at the Truax Bldg ~ First Friday Art Gathering with music, 15 artists, yummy food, 6-9 pm, RSVP here.

Creative Soul Readings at Karma Boutique

About Kathy Crabbe

Kathy Crabbe inspires soul-seekers to discover their innate gifts and talents through intuitive, creative expression in safe, relaxed and playful environments. She has been an artist forever and a Creative Soul Guide since awakening her own intuitive gifts at age forty. She channels New & Full Moon readings every month on her blog at

Originally from Kingston, Canada Kathy currently lives in the wine country of Temecula, California with her husband and pet muse: Abby the dog.

Kathy created a Lefty Deck for giving intuitive readings after spending  7 years painting  with her non-dominant left hand. Developing the intuitive right side of her brain awakened Kathy’s intuition in new ways and inspired her to help others develop their own unique gifts and talents.

Kathy has given over 1000 intuitive Creative Soul Readings using her Lefty Deck. She was invited by Susun Weed, renowned herbalist to  teach her class “Awaken Your Divine Feminine Soul” at the Wise Woman University.

Spotlight on Divine Feminine Moon Muser, Annalee Jackofsky

Annalee Jacofsky in the Home Grown String Band I recently interviewed the Divine Ms. Annalee Jackofsky about her experience in my Awaken Your Divine Feminine Soul eClass which I offer in my Creative Soul Circle ~ new classes start up every new moon.

What creative and intuitive goals (big or small) have you accomplished or made progress on because of, or related to this Divine Feminine eClass?

One of the biggest goals that I accomplished during this course was to be happier with myself and more confident in all areas of my life. I learned that if I trust in myself great things will happen. I don’t consider myself to be a creative person (art, drawing, etc.), so I was very proud that I didn’t just create one collage, but five. I’ve learned to trust in my gut instinct and not to question myself to the point were I never make a decision. I was never much of a journaling person; I always got bogged down in writing way too many details and facts as if I was writing a story that someone else was going to read, but during this course I discovered I didn’t need to do this. Even if I just wrote down key words and feelings with no explanation as to why I was feeling that way it made me feel a lot better. It allowed me to release things instead of dwelling on them and letting them eat way at me. I feel this was one of the most important discoveries I learned from this class. I’m also trying to not let my learning disabilities stop me from accomplishing things. To believe in Annalee Jackofskymyself and not compare myself to other people, especially my sister. All of these things have begun the process of freeing me from who I was in the past, letting me write the future in anyway I would like.

What’s your future vision for your Divine Feminine Moon Musing Self?

That’s hard to say. The future is not yet written. I would like to pursue a more creative, intuitive, and spiritual way of living. I would eventually like to help other people in this way, too. Either by being a life coach, a writer, or in some other way that has yet to be shown to me.

What advice do you have for other Divine Feminine Soul Sisters?

Believe in yourself and be happy with who you are. Live the life you want to be living, tomorrow is going to happen either way, so take the chances today that you need to take to live your dreams. Don’t be afraid of what may happen. Trust that everything will work out.

Is there anything else you’d like to share?

I would just like to share my favorite quote: “Follow your bliss and the universe will open doors for you where there were only walls.” - Joseph Campbell

Read more eClass Testimonials here.


Links for Annalee:

Home Grown String Band
Annalee is featured in a billboard ad playing in Times Square in New York City 2011 as part of the  "I Will Not Kill" campaign.

Annalee Talks About the Creative Soul Circle

What do you enjoy most about the Creative Soul Circle?
Being able to talk to like minded women that I know won’t judge me.
What are your favorite activities, places to visit etc?
My favorite group is definitely the moon musing group.
How often do you check in and what brings you back?
Several times a day. I keep coming back to hear what other women are thinking.

What makes this Circle unique?

That fact that there are women of all ages coming together to discuss topics that matter.

Last month I added a Crone Moon Shared Focus Meditation to the mix. Is this something you’d like to see more often?

I think it would be nice to have it every month. I liked the shared meditations the best. It forces me to stop during my busy day and connect to the web of consciousness that forms between the soul SiStars during the meditations. Meaning I like there being three group meditations a month.

How does the Creative Soul Circle compare to other social network sites you belong to? Are there any I should check out? What do you like about this one especially?

The only other social network that I’m part of is facebook. I like the Creative Soul Circle better because the discussion topics are a lot more interesting and everyone in the circle is more on the same page as me. I don’t feel as out of place.

* The Creative Soul Circle ~ where Soul SiStars gather + grow their dreams *

Sign up here

Discipline, Balance & Strength: Capricorn Collages

I'm finally back in the collage-swing-of-things along with a VERY lively group of Divine Feminine Moon Musing students for the Capricorn 2011 Term of my 4 week eClass...a very impressive bunch! I encourage all my students to create at least one collage during the class, but if they're feeling extra motivated I also encourage them to create 3 separate collages for each phase of the moon. I'd slacked off a bit with my moon collage creations, but set the intention of committing to the collage process starting in January of 2011  (that Cappie New Moon does indeed help with discipline, don'tcha think?)

Moon Collage by Kathy Crabbe Jan. 2011

Moon Collage by Kathy Crabbe Jan. 2011

Here's my own collage created for the New Moon in Capricorn, Full Moon in Cancer and the Waning Moon in Scorpio.

The background is taken from one of my newest paintings which is part of my Journey Into Intimacy Series.

I incorporated three of my Lefty Oracle Cards which I had chosen for each of the moon phases (Skell, Sharmin' and Guess).

The Yin Yang symbol in the upper right and the Black Mermaid (from my Laguna Beach Mermaid Series) in the lower right represent the balancing act I'm doing between life/art/work which is also represented by the half goat, half fish symbolizing the zodiac sign of Capricorn.

The circle of copper ribbon that I've sewed onto the collage represents the dedication and focus that is required to develop my Creative Soul Circle.

Divine Feminine Moon Musing Student Collages

New Moon Collage by Annalee Jackofsky

New Moon Collage by Annalee Jackofsky

Annalee JackofskyMoon Name: Athena Watersong Website:

For my new moon collage I chose pictures that showed how I wanted to be empowered by the moon, along with quotes and song lyrics that I felt expressed the inspiration I was looking to find in the next month.

Full Moon in Cancer Collage by Annalee Jackofsky

Full Moon in Cancer Collage by Annalee Jackofsky

In my full moon collage I expressed the seeds of intention I had planted through words and pictures. I included a picture of the cycle of the moon to show how I had changed throughout the month. I also added pictures of my power animals, and the names of the two goddesses that have guided me this month along with their strengths that I wish to find in myself.

Capricorn New Moon Collage by Rona Bennett

Capricorn New Moon Collage by Rona Bennett

Rona BennetMoon Name: Moonbow

Awaken Your Divine Feminine Soul: Register here for the next eClass.

Returning Student & Bring a Buddy Discounts

Divine Feminine eClass Badge Awaken Your Divine Feminine Soul eClass

Returning Student & Bring a Buddy Discount

Have you already taken this eCourse and would like to participate again or invite a friend to join in the fun? Returning student and buddy discounts do apply which means that you will receive a 20% discount off the price of the course and pay $60.00 instead of $75.00 You will have full access to all course material, the private online forum, and a supplemental email that will vary each month in accordance with the changing signs of the new moon.

~ 60.00 ~

Read more about the Awaken Your Divine Feminine Soul eClass here.