How to Protect Yourself When Contacting Spirits

I belong to the Mediums Group on Reddit - here is a question from Mylene that I responded to below.


I was able to foresee the death of somebody in my circle. I would greatly appreciate advice from experienced people!

Hello everyone, I would say I’m fairly new to the paranormal/occult world. I’ve always known I had an ability, but it really awakened in the past year or so. I experienced something intense this week and I would love to hear some advice.

First things first, I’ve been using tarot and oracle for about a year and a half now, so I’m pretty familiar and comfortable with it. Last week, I did an oracle reading for myself, asking what the world had in store for me for the upcoming week. The three cards that stuck out were a bit unsettling: They announced a very unpleasant change, that could be related to death. As soon as I read the cards, I got a really bad feeling. Shivers were crossing my body and I started to cry a bit. I finished the session and went to bed.

The week started and everything was going smoothly. A couple days later, I had forgotten a bit about the reading, until I received a bad news: the mother of a close friend had passed away suddenly. I couldn’t believe it. It was only the day after receiving the news that I remembered my oracle session. I started to cry again, shaken. It has now been 5 days since the event and I’m still shook up. I never thought I would’ve been able to foresee it. It’s the first time I have been able to foresee something major like this.

So, here’s where I need some advice. I’m the only person in my family who has an ability to predict certain things, so I don’t really know how to protect myself. I would like to hear some tips on how to embrace this part of me, how to really accept it too, cause I’m struggling to accept the fact that I have an ability of some sort. I would also love to hear some advice on how to take an emotional distance from all this, cause I don’t want to feel sad or depressed every time I’m able to foresee something. The older I get, the stronger my ability gets, so I would love to be able to better control/use it.


Kathy Crabbe, Artist + Soul Reader

Kathy Crabbe, Artist + Soul Reader

It is very important to protect yourself when doing this kind of work. Saying a simple affirmation or prayer is a good start in connecting to your spiritual self and asking for protection - a must!

In regards to accepting this part of yourself, the intuitive part, wonderful to hear that you are open to this - a great beginning. You will be guided. Trust yourself, as you know, and be open to your dreams as well (keep a dream journal, if you don't already).

In regards to distancing yourself from your feelings, you must feel them! They are necessary. Allow them to flow through you and don't hold onto them. Write them down and then let them go (another way of allowing for the flow).

And YES, love to hear that your abilities are strengthening, as they well should! And yes, for asserting your boundaries and need for protection and safety in doing this work. Keep doing it and find a support group or support person to help you as you come more strongly into your powers.


Thank you so much for your answer, it helps a lot! I used to keep a dream journal, but stopped a couple of months ago. I’ll get back to it for sure. I have to say, it’s very reassuring to hear from someone who does this for a living. I would love to find people who would be able to help me as my abilities strengthen, but I don’t know where search. Do you have any ideas/recommendations on communities that would be helpful for me? Thanks again for your help, I will learn to protect myself and be more cautious about it in the future! Blessings!


Deluxe-Soul-Reading by Kathy Crabbe

You are so welcome! I must, of course offer my own services in regards to strengthening your intuition and working with spirits/ancestors since that is what I do. Click here for more info: Ancestral Readings.

In regards to communities, I recommend looking in Facebook Groups, or starting your own in your own community.

Blessings and Hugs! Kathy Crabbe

What is an Ancestral Reading? (Psychic Medium)

When a client books a spirit guide or ancestral reading I begin by requesting the first name of the ancestor, and only the first name. It is very important that I not know any other information beforehand because this can get in the way of providing a full and detailed reading.

I make a connection clairvoyantly (clear seeing), and sometimes through smell, feeling, and hearing. Sometimes I will feel any ailments the ancestor suffered or the way in which they died, ie. a pain in my head, or a shortness of breath.

Ancestors will appear to me in different stages of their previous life, so that I can gather what is called 'evidence' which will prove, without a doubt that they are indeed the correct beloved ancestor. I usually will sense where they lived, personal habits, who they loved, favorite activities, etc.

I may also pull a card from my own hand painted oracle decks and request more information and often the ancestor will come through loud and clear as though they are speaking directly to me and my client. To finish the ancestral divination reading, I request a message for my client, from their ancestor and this is often very touching and heartfelt.

If I do not connect with a client's ancestor the first time around, I am always willing to try again (free of charge) or provide a spirit guide reading. A few theories about why an ancestor does not come through is that they may not be interested in doing so with a particular medium because they may not resonate with him/her. Sometimes an ancestor is occupied with something else or feels it’s best not to come forward at this time. Perhaps this particular ancestor was a very reserved, quiet person when alive and is reluctant to come forward now.

Afterward, I discuss the mediumship reading with the client by email to find out how it is resonating with them and to provide more clarity if needed. This also helps me become a better psychic-medium in the process!

ancestral reading

Currently this is the only psychic reading I offer that is done via writing. I find that the ancestors prefer it that way. They apparently like that I sit quietly and patiently with pen and paper at hand and write down everything that happens. Afterwards I will type up the psychic medium reading on my computer and include any oracle cards pulled.

*The ancestor reading below is being shared with client permission and was originally done in 2009*

An Ancestral Reading for .... by Kathy Crabbe

This reading is in response to your wish for a connection with B...

- My very first impression of B... is round, warm, friendly and kind.

- I also see a black horse and hear the words, “bonny black.”

- I see 4 kids, lots of kids!

- She was a good mother and I see her tending them all.

- I can see a military man and I see her waving goodbye to him.

- I also see her managing, and steadfast.

- Now I see 3 kids, not 4.

- The color mint green also comes up.

- England is mentioned, along with the phrase, “eventually” and “make things happen.”

- She is taking charge.

- I don’t see her husband around, but she is doing her best.

- I see her wizened and grey at one point, and with young kids. She is being hard on herself because of this.

- I also feel that she has developed a pain behind her eyes and that she is not able to ‘get a grip’ on things and that when she passed, it was a relief for her.

- I ask her about you and she says the words, “nearest and dearest,” although she may not have expressed that to you physically. Initially I sensed that she was ‘warm’ but as the reading develops I feel that she was not able to express that warmth so easily.

- She is also saying that you are, “The one I can count on.”

- I see you and a horse and she is pushing some strands of long hair back from your face and saying to you, “there are no answers gel (‘gel’ is what ‘girl’ sounds like)…just good questions.”

- I see her holding up your palm and tracing the lines.

- She is asking you, “Why do you want this job?” and she points to your chest, your heart, and pokes you there (kind of a hard poke) and says, “Do you feel it here?”

- She is trying to awaken you, make you mad, and make you think.

- She also instructs me to pull an oracle card for you so I pull one from my Celtic Tree Wisdom deck and it is called the Rowan card.

The Rowan card represents the second lunar month, the “Moon of Vision.” It is a powerful tree of magic, also known as the Tree of Life. This is an oracular Moon symbolizing the rebirthing of the year. You are still asleep and dreaming, not quite ready to set your energies to growth.This Moon is dedicated to the goddesses Eleu, Diarmuid and Iris.

**When I emailed my client to find out if she would allow me to post this reading she kindly gave me her permission and she also asked me to post this comment along with her reading:

"I was nervous about opening my ancestor reading, unsure of what to expect. So many of the things resonated with me, that I knew it was something to be treasured. I was really hoping for a connection with my mother and I feel you made one. Your gift is extraordinary."

You can book a Spirit Guide, Ancestral Reading here.

Another service I offer is Past Life Readings, Past Life Regression and you can learn more about that here.

About Kathy Crabbe: A natural born psychic-medium, artist and astrologer for 20 plus years I work with self-painted oracle decks to help you move forward Healthy, Whole and Holy.

If you are seeking answers, healing, inspiration and spiritual guidance you may want to consider a soul reading, past life reading or ancestor/spirit guide reading for further insight.

Kathy’s Training

Kathy received intuitive psychic-medium training from English channeler, Adam Higgs, spiritual training from meditation teacher Om, yoga training with Atma Khalsa and Ancestral Lineage Healing with Lara Vesta Veleda and Shannon Willis, M.Ed. In 2017 Kathy completed an intensive three year training in Third Road Celtic Faerie Shamanism with Francesca De Grandis, Kathy’s current spiritual mentor. She has studied Herbalism with Susun Weed and Therapeutic Touch with Joyce Fournier, RN. Kathy received certification in crystal healing from Katrina Raphaell’s Crystal Academy and has been a lifelong student of astrology through private and group sessions with Steven Forrest, Patty Davidson, Laura DesJardins and Jeffrey Wolf Green.

Leo Full Moon Ritual, Astrology, Meditation, Video & Soul Reading

Dearest Moon Muser,

I had a wonderful time creating this Full Moon Video filled with astrology tips, Leo Goddesses, a Channeled Butterfly Meditation, herbal kitty wisdom to warm your soul plus a chance to pick a card for a soul reading and have your questions answered. The oracle cards are all below - enjoy!

Leo Goddesses (Zodiac Goddess Power Deck by Kathy Crabbe)

Leo Goddess by Kathy Crabbe

Leo Goddess by Kathy Crabbe

Leo Meditation ~ The Gold Within

Feel the sadness of earth’s cry,
let your body touch the sky,
guide by light, your soul’s fire,
spark to lead ever higher.

Leo Affirmations

  • I am special and loved

  • My heart is open

  • I am awake and in tune with my spiritual self

  • My inner child is alive and well

  • I am a creative being bursting with joy

  • I am one with the Sun

  • I am generous and loving

Cat Herbal: Juniper (from my upcoming deck coming out 2021)

Juniper Cat by Kathy Crabbe

Juniper Cat by Kathy Crabbe

“Juniper is a protective herb of the Sun. It is associated with the base chakra, where the Kundalini, or serpent power, lies dormant. Juniper is useful for those who are blocked on the physical plane, generally earth types. It is also used for those who are looking for a more spiritual way of life, who want to embrace fire. Juniper allows a person to be more detached emotionally and to move on from obsessions or resentments, from anger and violence. Being fiery, juniper can also help to ‘dry out’ water types, who become lost in a sea of emotion and are unable to act or initiate. Fire provides focus and direction. It energizes the will and gives courage, something that watery types sometimes lack. You can work with Juniper incense or by burning juniper berries on charcoal at the new and full moons. As you work with it, allow yourself to become inspired and encouraged by your own spiritual fire.” ~ (Excerpted from Astrological Herbal for Women by Elisabeth Brooke.)

Pick a Card - Oracle Decks by Kathy Crabbe

Leo Full Moon Soul Reading + Pick-A-Card

Carolee by Kathy Crabbe

Juniper Cat by Kathy Crabbe

Card 1: Carolee (Lefty Oracle Deck)

Mantra: My heart is open.
Affirmation: I am all heart in tune with the universal flow.
Element: Water

Heart to heart with open arms
I share
myself with you.

I am an open book, comfortably
intimate and revealing.

I expect nothing in return.
Just being with you here and now is all I ask.

Believe in me.
I trust you with my heart.

If this card appears in a reading get ready for the sun to shine upon you and all your endeavours. You have accomplished a lot in a short time and your heart is full and spilling over. Share this good feeling with others just by being in their presence. Your good vibes will raise the energy level of all you touch.

In my own life I try to share my own heartfelt, positive energy through my art. If it lights me up inside I can only hope it will do the same for others.

Card 2: Seal (Elfin Ally Oracle Deck)

Seal by Kathy Crabbe (Elfin Ally Oracle Deck)

Seal by Kathy Crabbe (Elfin Ally Oracle Deck)

Keyword: Kindness
Meaning: A friend or lover awaits your call.
Reversed: You are longing for something better instead of being fully present.

Affirmation: I am Queen-of-the-Sea
Fire, Water,

Medicine: Your playful magick entices us to claim our inner Queen, sea-bent on journeying into the Deep.

Lore: A secret passage to the sea adored by silky Seal, was her True North, encompassing her heart and leading her Home, always Home from whence she got her start.

You entice me to play and dive and learn about the cycles of the Sea and then forget I’m an elf and become one with the sea, a mermaid at heart.

Divine Feminine eClass starts February 11

Join me for a 4 week experience where we'll come together beginning at the New Moon in Aquarius for a mystical, magickal experience. Each week you'll receive creative, inspirational moon-guided lessons and videos by email to help you resonate with Mama Moon, develop your intuition and get creative. We'll also meet by phone to share a guided meditation or two and in a private online group. You’ll also receive a personalized Moon Chart to help you tune in astrologically to what's going on that moonth.

Kathy Crabbe

About Kathy Crabbe: A natural born psychic medium and astrologer for 20 plus years I work with self painted oracle decks to help you move forward Healthy, Whole and Holy.

I am a soul reader, spirit medium, astrologer and artist. I offer soul readings and oracle decks to awaken your intuitive heart. All things witchy, magickal, creative and inspirational are my tools along with deep insight and healing to help you move forward Healthy, Whole and Holy.

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