How I Stopped My Internet Art Crush Addiction

This is personal so please DO share it. But somethow don't get addicted to sharing!

There are so many internet addiction traps that I keep falling into and somehow manage to get out alive, yes alive!

The latest was my addiction to looking at other artist's work. Each day I grew hungrier and hungrier, devouring art, collecting, sampling, drooling, vibing, coveting, desirous, in love, but NOT HAPPY.

I put it all down to market research and art crushes.

One of the cards from my upcoming Lefty Oracle Deck

Each day I'd troll the Instagram feed to find new artists and illustrators to follow, new websites to pour over, new trends to study, more art to love, but it was killing me. I wanted to die! I could never catch up; be good enough, market-savvy enough, hip enough, and my website especially just couldn't compete with the branding and storytelling of the Millenial Generation (born 1980-2000) who had it down pat. (I'm Generation X born between 1965 and 1980).

So, how did things finally change? Well, I'd already made two Social Media Addiction breaking bargains with the Divine (links below) in which I stopped trolling the feed and sharing every little thing on Facebook and Instagram (except for my blog posts and the occasional personal photo - maybe once a week) because posting led to compulsively checking 'likes' or my follower count; all positive reinforcement releasing 'happy' juice or serotonin in the brain which is highly addictive.

Bargain #2 with the Divine involved me not checking the Instagram Feed (I'd stopped checking the Facebook Feed about 3 years ago).

Now, for a biggie. I HAD to stop looking at other artist's work online. For some reason looking at artist books and magazines did NOT have a negative effect.

So there you have it. Now, here's what you can do if you have the same problem.

  1. Identify the problem
  2. Decide to stop.
  3. Get help and yes, I'm available.
  4. Stick to it. It gets easier after 24 hours and especially after one week.
  5. Feel the difference - get YOU back, get back your life, your time, your friends, your family.

About Kathy
Kathy currently lives and works in Temecula, California with her two dogs and architect husband in an adobe style home they built themselves. When she's not journaling, painting or reading souls, she can be found dancing to techno or Zeppelin, making nettle infusion, or reading two to three books at the same time.


Break Free: How to Be More Present and Enjoy Life!

This Cancer Full Moon (Jan. 12) was an emotional breakthrough moon for me. The theme that came through was BREAK FREE. How about for you?

Breaking free from social media's time sucking and time wasting was a biggie and it was also my first bargain with the Divine. Bargain Number Two (for this week) is to be the greatest artist I can be without doubt and fear as I give myself fully to the Divine.

I began by stopping my incessant checking of the Instagram feed and this has pretty much stopped me from going on it at all, other than to posta pic or two to go with my blog and at the new and full moon for my museletter..

Next I looked at all my dreams in my dream journal from 2012 until now and then put together a list of creatively soulful things about myself and my work. Here's my list:

  • I create power objects and talismans.
  • I create artists' books.
  • I paint custom portraits.
  • I challenge the status quo.
  • I paint in many styles.
  • I paint large (48"x48"), circular, layered, Japanese inspired paintings with clouds and trees.
  • I do not sell my own art; galleries/stores do that for me.
  • I give phone readings.
  • I teach a watercolor class called, "Painting for Relaxation."
  • My artwork sells out quickly at galleries and home decor stores.
  • I'm a writer and illustrator.
  • I work in a large industrial live/work space surrounded by other creatives, but also have a quiet space for spiritual work.

So far I'm taking my own advice: "Awaken Your Intuition".- see the tagline on my site? Well, I'm living it. Plus, I do most of the things above already although there are a few I long for: the live/work artist's community and selling out at galleries.

I can tell you that so far, cutting out all this social media and leaving behind fear and doubt so I can fully be the amazing artist I am has helped me be more present and it's simplified everything.  I have more time for me, my loved ones, my friends and in nature. Time that isn't co-opted by social media and being ON 24/7. I'm having more fun and enjoying life more. WHEW! How about you?  Why not make a bargain with the Divine right now?

More articles on addiction to social media can be found here.

Break Thru by Kathy Crabbe. Space Twins Story, Gouache in sketchbook, 2017.

I'll be posting more paintings like the one above here on my blog so please check this category to keep tabs: Space Twins Story.

To help yourself be more present and go more deeply into your own life please check out my Soul Readings, Past Life Readings and Astro Reports here.

Want to see what your Spirit Animal looks like? Then commission me to paint your portrait along with your Spirit Animal here.