Witchy Musings on Life, Love, Money & Art Making

New Moon in Aries/Solar Eclipse Musings

I am going to play with the intuitive ideas given to me as channeled through my paintings of 2023. I’m going to devote myself even more to my friends, family, fun and love. I am not going to get hung up on $ but I will enjoy the process of art-making and see where it takes me.

New Moon in Taurus/Mercury Retrograde Musings

During this past Waning Moon I let go of struggle and applying to art and writing opportunities. I wanted FREEDOM to create without the desire for anything but the creative act.

I am working magickally to get my work out into the world as a radical act of healing service.

The earth of writing [where] we must work to the point of becoming the earth.
— Hélène Cixous, French writer, playwright and literary critic, born 1937

Detail of Princess Glitter Confetti Blessings by Kathy Crabbe, Gouache on paper.

New Painting - Intention/Spell

To go deep within the work to heal as Witch, Shaman, Fey, Warrior. To fight with words like Blake and Yeats. Art as chant with words as spells bound into a Grimoire.


In the doing I honour myself as Witch. I will create no matter what, THAT is all that matters.

The work I do is completely outside of the sanctified status quo art world and academic world.

So mote it be.

Kathy Crabbe

Blue Moon Museletter Sign Up

Kathy Crabbe

About Kathy Crabbe

The awakening of my intuitive gifts came at age 40 when, creatively blocked, I switched to my non-dominant left hand which inspired my right brain, leading to the creation of the Lefty Oracle deck and becoming a professional soul reader.

All Time Is Now (Happy Yule!)

Dear Moon Muser,

As I write to you (3rd version is the charm) in the complete darkness this morning due to a power outage at the exact moment of starting (a sign!) I just knew I needed to send this version of my museletter to you.

I hold a space for silence and for love lost. Take heart and trust that we CAN do this. We can live and love and grieve, and that it will get better by and by.

I sit upon a throne of bones this Solstice as the power shifts and we all transition, some to the otherworld.

We grieve.
We love.
We trust,
that all time is now,
and that love is forever.

With Blessings,
Kathy Crabbe
Soul Reader + Artist

"Café au Lait" Original Painting on Wood

"Café au Lait" Original Painting on Wood

About Kathy

I am a soul reader, spirit medium, astrologer and artist located in sunny Southern California. All things witchy, magickal, creative and inspirational are my tools along with deep insight and healing to help you move forward Healthy, Whole and Holy.

p.s. I just added these sweet l'il hand painted wood slice talismans, ornaments, necklaces and pins to my shop and they're now 10% off just for you thru Dec. 31 with this code at checkout: NEWYEARS

NEW! Winter Solstice Mp3 recording + New Year's Reading + Gift Cards too!

How To Develop Your Psychic & Intuitive Abilities - Part 1

This blog post was written in response to a question emailed to me by one of my clients. It was such a good question that I thought it deserved a blog post (or 2, or 3)!

Andrea's Question: "Do you have any recommendations about how one should go about furthering their psychic abilities? I've read tarot cards on and off, and seem to have a knack, and then of course there's my natural ability to "read" people. But not necessarily with dates & times and all that predictive stuff"

My Response: I personally like to learn experientially in a hands-on fashion, but my very earliest experiences with the intuitive realms involved private exploration of dreams and dream journaling, astrology, tarot and paganism. I began learning about these things in my early teens and have gone on to develop my natural intuitive abilities (which we all have) with the help of teachers, through group classes, workshops, lectures, books and private sessions with healers and intuitive guides.


I started out by working with my dreams and recommend keeping a dream journal by your bed where you can record dreams when you wake up or by setting an alarm clock to wake yourself up at an odd hour to facilitate dream remembrance. Significant dreams will stay with you and resonate for years to come and you will begin to know which dreams are significant with practice. You can also work with lucid dreaming or by asking yourself a question before falling asleep and requesting that the answer come to you in a dream. Often dreams will allow you to re-connect with deceased friends or relatives and sometimes you may astro travel as well.

Recommended books: “Symbols for Self Understanding” by Betty Bethard


There is much more to astrology than just your sun sign (determined by the day you were born.) Becoming involved with the study of the planets and stars will expand your awareness on a universal level connecting you with the bigger picture crossing generations and even universes. My own studies in metaphysics began with dreams, then astrology.

Recommended books: “The Only Way To Learn Astrology” (6 Volumes) by Marion March & Joan McEvers, “Planets in Transit” by Robert Hand, “Astrology for the Soul” by Jan Spiller, “The Liquid Light of Sex” by Barbara Hand Clow, “The Changing Sky” by Steven Forrest

Recommended magazine: “The Mountain Astrologer”

Recommended authors & teachers: Steven Forrest, Barbara Hand Clow


Tarot decks are a whole world onto themselves and can involve you in an ancient study of images and symbols with mysterious origins. Working with tarot cards has allowed me to access the many realms depicted in the cards. By working with a Pre-Celtic Shamanistic deck called “The Greenwood Deck” I first encountered one of my main spirit guides while meditating upon the Ancestor card.

Recommended books: “Tarot For Yourself” by Mary K. Greer

Paganism & Goddess Worship:

I became involved with the study of paganism and ancient goddess religions when I was at university taking a Women’s Studies class, but was first introduced on a personal level to this topic by a male friend of mine who liked to dress up as Pan on Halloween. I have attended several goddess groups and pagan rituals but prefer to practice my own solitary, eclectic and personal blend of reverence for Mother Earth. Currently I practice Third Celtic Faerie Shamanism and was initiated into this tradition in 2017 by Francesca De Grandis.

Recommended books:”The Language of the Goddess” by Marija Gimbutas (archaeology), “The Motherpeace Tarot” deck and book by Vicki Noble, “The Book of Goddesses & Heroines” by Patricia Monaghan

Recommended authors, teachers & leaders: Starhawk, Szusanna Budapest, COG (Covenant of the Goddess)

This blog post details how I developed my own metaphysical practices and studies and I hope you will expand upon these suggestions in your own personal way. Upcoming posts will delve into: shamanism, energy healing, herbs, mediumship, crystal healing, channeling, psychic work, law of attraction, meditation, yoga and past life regression.

To read more posts about My Psychic Background please click here and for Psychic Development please click here.