What Is A Soul Reading?

As a soul reader and spiritual guide, I am always being asked what it is that I do exactly! My friend Donnaleigh asked me this morning: "What is a soul reading? People are using that phrase now, and in my mind I picture it as an energy reading and a whole life synopsis rather than a psychic reading that pertains to specific questions. What is your sense?"

So I came up with a detailed response to her question and thought I would post it here to give folks a better idea of what I mean by a soul reading.

What is a soul reading?

A soul reading is similar to a psychic reading, but more in-depth. Yes, it involves prophecy, but it also involves healing, inspiration and practical exercises designed to jump start the process of your soul's transformation by giving you the tools necessary for your journey.

I begin each soul reading by taking a look, with the use of my third eye or inner vision, at your overall energy state and your chakras along with your soul's Divine essence - this is the part of you that never dies.

Reading soul energy over a distance actually gives much better results, based upon the techniques that I employ. It allows me to focus my full attention upon your soul's energy, and not be distracted by your feelings or reactions. I can still sense if you are nervous, unfocused, or even skeptical, but because you are not directly in front of me, it will not distract me from reading your energy.


Reading Auras & Chakras

A reading of the energy field around your body through clairvoyance (clear seeing), clairaudience (clear hearing), clairalience (clear smelling), or clairsentience (clear feeling/touching).

Your Soul's Purpose

A look at your soul's mission and potential as expressed through your personality in this lifetime and in past lifetimes.


An exploration of your physical, etheric, and astral planes to detect disease, blockages of life force energy, and unresolved emotional issues. Visualizations, affirmations, and gemstone healing exercises may be suggested.

Mediumship and Channelling

I am a medium and often receive channeled guidance, visions and messages from ancestors (departed loved ones), spirit guides and animal totems on the astral planes. I connect with these guides using clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairalience or clairsentience.


Foretelling the future through inspired inner visions.

Oracle Cards

My artwork is intended as a sacred touchstone enhancing the message of your reading and will help you resonate on a visual level. I work with 5 oracle decks of my own creation: the fairy and cat herbal healing cards, the lefty oracles, zodiac goddesses, elfin ally spirit animals and Celtic tree wisdom cards.

Ancient Knowledge

Accompanying your reading, and in combination with the oracle cards I pull for you will be a wealth of information regarding specific gods and goddesses, zodiac based archetypes, herbal wisdom, and Celtic Druidic tree knowledge. My art history degree does come in handy sometimes!


An astrological chart is like a blueprint of your soul. It is a way to tap into your inner psyche so that you can understand yourself and others better. Tuning into the cosmos and cosmic patterns can help you shed light upon your everyday life and prepare you for major once-in-a-lifetime transitions.


  • A reading is like a wake-up call for your soul.

  • Discover your soul's true purpose and unleash your creativity.

  • Move forward beyond crisis, clear blockages, reduce stress and promote peace of mind.

  • Connect with your ancestors and spirit guides, feel guided and loved.

Kathy Tyson, Technology Coordinator/Business Entrepreneur, North Carolina, USA: "This reading has given me the opportunity to go A HA! Every bit of it resonated within me. I love your visualizations and affirmations. Again, I am grateful for your gift from God. You are truly blessed."

More Testimonials can be found here.


I meditate and do energy work and yoga for up to an hour before and after each reading in order to prepare for a session and don't forget the follow-up email support that goes along with each reading! So consider when you’re booking a reading, that it's approximately a 2 hour minimum commitment of my time.

You will also benefit from my background in fine arts and poetry, along with the fact that I type really fast!

I have given thousands of soul readings online since August of 2008. My specialty is helping clients get back on track by providing healing guidance and empowering tools along with messages from guides and ancestors.

Why I love what I do

I feel honored and inspired to work deeply with people on a soul level and I am always thrilled to hear about the effect a reading has had upon a client's life. This work is extremely rewarding and I feel blessed to be given this opportunity. I continue to grow and learn from amazing healers, shamans, energy workers and intuitive guides so that I can offer you more in depth guidance and healing all the time.

Note: I want you to be 100% satisfied with your reading and I'm always available afterward to discuss your reading in further detail.

Here is a sample of an actual audio recording of a chakra healing reading and a written soul reading. You can purchase a reading here. You can read what clients are saying about their readings here.

Listen to an Actual Soul Reading Here

Consulting Your Spirit Guides Guides (Secret No. 7)

This week as part of our highly creative bloggers Next Chapter Book Club we are taking a look at: seeking out role models and advisers, reading about inspiring lives, and guiding others. (Side Note: This post is from a few years ago)

CHALLENGE #1 Searching for a guide (in the flesh):

My story - Short Version:

Never had one.
Always wanted one.
Dreamed I was one.
Became one.

Long Version - How to Find Your Spirit Guides:

I never actually found the "perfect guide" in the flesh, but I did find several in the spirit world. My recommendation, for those of you searching for your spirit guides, is to start out by working with a deck of tarot or oracle cards. My deck of choice was the Greenwood Deck, a Celtic Pagan deck created by Mark Ryan and illustrated by Chesca Potter. The two cards featured in this blog post were the ones that kept cropping up for me over and over again. But it was the Ancestor card that proved to be my greatest guide, acting as a gateway into the spirit world. By following (metaphorically/symbolically) the trunk and roots of the trees pictured in the card, down into the ground and beyond, I was able to access my main spirit guide, Annie.

How To Connect with Guides to Help Others:

When I give readings, I connect with the greatest guide there is, The Divine. I didn't start out by giving readings, I worked up to it over many, many years of practice. I suggest you find what methods work best for you, whatever allows you to quiet your mind (monkey-mind), open your heart, and become humble in the presence of Divine Beauty, with the realization that you are merely a channel and a messenger. Your job as a guide, is to remain open and connected, so that you can deliver healing and insightful messages in a non-judgemental, comprehensible and clear manner.

To read more blog posts about Psychic Development please click here. To read more about my personal Psychic Background please click here.

kathy crabbe

About Kathy Crabbe

Kathy Crabbe has been an artist forever and a soul reader since awakening her intuitive gifts at age forty after five years painting with her non dominant left hand. This awakened her intuition in a big way. In 2008 she created a Lefty Oracle deck and started giving intuitive soul readings. Her second deck, The Elfin Ally Oracle was published in 2019 and a third deck is planned for release in Spring, 2020. Kathy lives in sunny Southern California with her two dogs and architect husband in an adobe style home they built themselves.

Hallowe'en Kick-Off Samhain Seance

I love Hallowe'en because it's the most magickal and mystical time of the year. I can feel it's potency, its power, its drama and its ancient pull upon my Soul. The Ancestors are there and I can't wait to say hello, to honour them, bless them, and see what they have to say. But this year, it's going to be different, because this year I'm sharing it with you!


Hallowe'en or Samhain (Sowen) was originally a Celtic/North European pagan seasonal celebration that marked the halfway point between the Fall Equinox and the Winter Solstice. It was the Celtic New Year and the beginning of the dark half of the year. The veil between the worlds of the living and the dead are thinnest at this time of year and the usual barriers are lifted making it the very best time of year to attempt to make contact with our Ancestors and retrieve ancient knowledge, as well as honour the memories of those who have passed over. Dressing up for Hallowe'en is like a Celtic New Year's Resolution, so have some fun and dress up in a costume that reflects what you would like to achieve or who you would like to be in the coming year.

Join with me in forming a Virtual Online Samhain Circle on Hallowe'en. By joining together at a specific hour we can increase our strength and powers of perception just by joining forces. Together we will read or listen to the Guided Meditation I will be sending you (via email) and together we will light a candle, burn incense or sage ourselves in preparation for this special Worldwide Samhain Circle. I will be holding energy for the entire group and in cases of unwanted Spirits, all that are unwelcome will be requested to leave at once. Afterwards you are welcome to share your experiences and questions with me, personally, or with the entire group via an email exchange.


What can I expect from my Ancestors and how will I know I am hearing from them?

It is a good idea to come prepared with a list of Ancestors you would like to make contact with along with some questions you would like to ask them (to make sure who they are.) The Ancestors will usually show up with a specific message just for you because that is the whole point of them 'coming through' so to speak.

Do these answers from our Ancestors come through via signs, thoughts, voices? Are we able to ask them questions?

It depends on how the person receiving the message will tune in - most times the Ancestor will be seen with the mind's eye, but it is also possible to sense them by hearing them or feeling them as well. Yes, you can question them and you can request that they come closer so that you can see them more clearly.

Do you recommend having photos of them close by?

Yes, photos can be helpful to look at beforehand.

Do we verbally question them out loud or do we say it to ourselves?

Either way is fine - whatever works best for you - you will know what works by how comfortable you feel doing it :)

What was it like the first time for you?

It's hard to remember, because I have been communicating with the Ancestors and Guides for a long time. But the first time I officially did it, in my class - I just stood up in the middle of our circle, closed my eyes and almost immediately saw someone - then I described them and asked specific questions relating to everything about them - the point was to describe the person in enough detail so that someone in our group absolutely, and without a doubt, knew that the person was their for them - we had to give 3 specific pieces of info about them and be right on - then we requested a message from them.


Myself and one virtual friend explored the Realm of the Ancestors together on Hallowe'en day and afterward shared our experiences. C___ experienced all kinds of magical enchantments during her Guided Meditation but unfortunately was not able to connect with her Ancestors. Practicing at a set time and set place on a regular basis will help but sometimes it can take years to make contact. "Practice makes perfect," was my psychic teacher's favorite piece of advice and this still applies even in the nether realms!