New Moon in Sagittarius Goddess Blessings To All*

*This is an example of the private Forecast Video and Blog that accompanies my Divine Feminine eClass.

Goddess Blessings from me and my Zodiac Goddess Power Deck to energize and inspire you for this fiery, adventurous New Moon in Sagittarius taking place on Dec. 14 at 8:17 am PST accompanied by a Total Solar Eclipse at 8:15 am PST. To receive a Full Video Reading + Moon Chart please sign up for my eClass here.

Sagittarius New Moon Goddesses

Sagittarius Goddess by Kathy Crabbe

Sagittarius Goddess by Kathy Crabbe

Sagittarius – The Archer

Time of Year – November 21 – December 21
Quality – Mutable
Element – Fire
Planetary Ruler – Jupiter
Anatomy – Hips, liver, thighs
Natural Sign of – 9th house
Color – Dark blue, pale green, purple
Gemstone – Obsidian, silica, turquoise
Tarot Card – Temperance
Goddesses - Artemis, Diana, Callisto, Sarasvati, Marichi, Cerridwen

Sagittarius Meditation

In Sag’s truth my fears dissipate and
my dreams open to expand us all.

Sagittarius Affirmations

  • I stretch my horizons to envision the big big picture

  • I see the glorious possibilities in everything

  • I am free of all restrictions

  • I inhale optimism, courage and speed

  • I trust in life

  • I am lucky

  • My courage protects me and my sisters and brothers

The Quest Begins:

- Seek new horizons
- Explore worlds without maps
- Quest!
- Be outrageous
- Look to the future
- Seek freedom from all oppression

I Paint Sagittarius

Channeling Sag energy allowed me to trust in life and to leap before looking knowing that I am safe. When I seek truth I know Sag energy.  Sag teaches us how to uplift our spirit, teach others, and carry the truth within opening us all to other realities.  We must heal the artist, the creator, and the dreamer within. To create is to release ourselves into the flow of life. We trust that in freely expressing ourselves that we are doing it for everyone, because we realize that each one of us is a Creator. 

In my Sagittarius painting I have depicted a third eye that explodes into flames. This mystical, visionary opening allows me to connect with my higher purpose, guiding the way for all humanity.

Artemis by Kathy Crabbe

Artemis by Kathy Crabbe

Sagittarius Goddess ~ Artemis

Artemis, Artemis,
Goddess of the wood
You are bows and arrows, death and birth
Midnight revels and pregnant mirth.
Wild woman, child, hunter of beast,
We find our true self when we dance at your feast.

Artemis is the virgin moon-goddess roaming the forest with her band of nymphs, bearing the bow and quiver, avoiding men and killing any male who looks upon her. She was also known as the many-breasted Artemis of Ephesus, a symbol of fecundity. As the warlike Artemis she is said to have been the special goddess of the Amazons.

Sarasvati by Kathy Crabbe

Sarasvati by Kathy Crabbe


Every Hindu god needs a Shakti or enlivening female force to function so Brahma, the creator needed Sarasvati for the world to come into being. She is both the water goddess - part of a trinity including Ganga and Yamuna and the goddess of eloquence which pours forth like a flooding river. She is the inventor of all the arts and sciences, patron of all intellectual endeavours and the prototype of the artist. She invented writing to record the songs she inspired and created music so her beauty could be praised. In her identity as Vach, goddess of speech, she caused all words to come into being.

About Kathy Crabbe

Forecast-by Kathy Crabbe

I am a soul reader, spirit medium, astrologer and artist located in sunny Southern California.

I work with 5 hand painted, self published oracle decks & I paint kitty portraits too. Chakra Cleansing, Prayers, all things witchy, magickal, creative & inspirational are my tools. Deep insight & healing to help you move forward Healthy, Whole and Holy. I teach a Moon eClass at Wise Woman School and I write and illustrate for Witches & Pagans and SageWoman Magazine. In business since 1993 I’m an initiate of the Celtic Faerie Shaman Tradition.

My eclass Begins Dec. 14

Zodiac Goddess Power Deck Review by Rachael Caringella

Zodiac Goddess Power Deck (photo by Rachael Caringella)

Zodiac Goddess Power Deck (photo by Rachael Caringella)

Here’s the latest review of my new deck by the lovely Rachael Caringella, artist, mystic and oracle.

A Few Comments by Rachael:

“My first impression of the deck was how cool the box was. It folds out into a beautiful informational work of art all of its own.

If you are wondering what foods or herbs are associated with each zodiac sign, this guidebook will tell you! It also features affirmations, gemstones, colors and goddesses associated with each sign… plus so much more.

The artwork on each card is colorful and vibrant in both image and energy. Each card holds such beautiful movement.”

Zodiac Goddess Power Deck (photo by Rachael Caringella)

Zodiac Goddess Power Deck (photo by Rachael Caringella)

Pick-a-Card for the Aquarius Full Moon: Take Care of YOU + Avoid Burnout

As I pull cards for you I'm happy to say I'll soon have a third oracle card deck to add to the mix: The Goddess Zodiac Oracle Deck coming out in Spring, 2020.

Time now to go deep.
Take some breaths.
Choose a card below then scroll down for the REVEAL.

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Aquarius Full Moon Reading

Card 1: Sandpiper (Elfin Ally Oracle)

Keyword: Swirly
This is an emotional time so take care of yourself first.
You are trying to do too much and are in danger of burning out.

Affirmation: I am LOVE.
Aquarius, Neptune, Pisces, Pluto
Air, Water

Medicine: You reach deep down into the heart of the VOID to release the Magick within.

She belonged by the sea, with Sandpiper, her ally, at her side. It was the light and the sounds and the water babies cooing that kept her there year after year, singing her song.

You open me up to the very depths of my being, scraping the corners of my heart with your sensitive bill, feeling into my empty spaces to fill them up with all that ever was – JOY.

Purchase the original Sandpiper.

Card 2: Demon (Lefty Oracle)

Mantra: I transform.

Affirmation: I journey into the dark to discover inner truths.

Element: Spirit

Be brave dear Soul,

face your fright.
open the door,
welcome the light.

If this card appears in a reading expect the unexpected! There is a trickster in your midst. Maybe it’s you? Not a mean trickster, but a true trickster; one who shifts your reality and helps you see things from a new perspective. Perhaps you’ve become complacent, or lazy, or overly self satisfied, and are no longer seeing the big picture because you’re too caught up in small details and worries. This WILL change soon so get ready to open your eyes wide and see the world in a whole new way.

In my own life I do my best to see negative, challenging experiences on a deeper level and I ask questions, such as, “What is the teaching in this? What is being mirrored back to me about myself? What changes need to happen now?”

Card 3: Jack Rabbit (Elfin Ally Oracle)

Keyword: Noble
Romance is in the air; succumb to it, if you dare.
Reversed: A missed opportunity is not worth tears.

Affirmation: My love flowers only for one.
Mercury, Moon, Taurus, Venus, Saturn
Air, Earth, Water

Medicine: Your magic is untamed, tricksy and loving, so take care in choosing the ONE.

Lore: This was HER heart on the line, and it hurt. So she called upon Jack Rabbit, her ally, to make it better. He advised speed, but it was time that she needed instead. So, into the pink she leapt where sweetness dreamed and magic slept.

She has tasted the sweetness of love flowering and just as quickly seen it fade away. As Elf Princess she had a higher, deeper path to follow and it was not with her Beloved Rose. Luckily, she had Jack Rabbit as her ally and he reminded her daily, that love would wait for she was a Priestess-to-be and happily pleasure and great passion was her birthright.

Purchase the original Jack Rabbit

Click here for an Aquarian Full Moon channeled message from Hopi “White Corn Maiden” Qocha Mana.